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Shraddha's POV.

"So when are you going to get your ass off the couch?" Preity came up behind me, resting her arms on the couch.

"Dad's not home. He's at the taping of Bigg Boss 9." I grumbled as I continued to drown my sorrow in Ben and Jerry's.

"I didn't come for him." She said moving next to me.

"Uhem..." She fake coughed.

Rolling my eyes, I removed the empty ice cream cartons. She smiled and took my blanket, and covered herself.

"Did dad put you up to this?" I questioned as Preity took my spoon and began to eat my cookies n cream ice cream.

"Well did he mention that you were going a little pagal in pyar (little crazy in love.) or something like that," She paused and pointed, "I can't believe that Salman allowed you to turn that couch into your bed. If it was up to me then you would have been off of this couch already. So tell me what's wrong."

"Did you and Varun hit a tough spot or is it something else?" She rumbled on.

I winced at the mention of his name and grabbed back the ice cream, "I don't feel like talking about it."

Preity grabbed the ice cream container and placed on the table, "Well too bad because aaj main aap ke nahin jaane wala hai." (Today I'm not about to leave you.)

"Come on baba, you can talk to mama." She laughed jokingly as she held out her arms. Sighing in defeat, I crawled over to her and covered our bodies with a blanket. We stayed there in silence as she stroked my hair. It was times like this where I was grateful for Preity taking up the motherly role in my life.

"So...I heard that you and Varun are on a break, but your fake relationship with him seems to affect you in reality as well."

"Umm I know that this is going to sound strange but I-"

"You started to have feelings for him?" She guessed.

I nodded, "And we were suppose to be out on a fake date but it turned out that Varun had feelings for me too...."

"Oooh let me guess, you thought that you were moving too fast?"

I nodded once more, "But even against my gut instincts, I went away with it because-"

"You felt amazing? Like love was the best thing that ever happened to you?" Preity cut in.

"Exactly, when I was with Varun the world kind of faded away I guess." I smiled glancing up at the ceiling.

"Wait! Baba clarify time," Preity paused as she hinted for me to sit up straight on the couch as she got up as well.

"So let's start with the facts. You and Varun are childhood friends, si?"

I nodded, "yeah."

"But then you guys grew apart, right?"


"However one night Arjun gets the both of you together and then you guys got drunk, correct?"


"Since you guys were drunk and weren't thinking you two kissed and the paps got ahold of the picture...Karan wanted to save you guys by saying that you've been seeing him for a while, but Varun had just broken up with Alia the previous I up to date?"

"Pretty much."

"Can I ask you something?" I was curious about how she knew so much about my relationship with Varun.

"Sure go ahead shoot." She smiled.

"How serious are you and Dad?"

"Ugh urgh." She coughed.

"Did your father ever tell you about how we met?"

"To be honest he didn't."

She sighed, "I knew it, he'd leave this up to me."

"Leave what up to me?" Dad said walking into the livingroom.

"Preity was about to tell me how you two bonded." I responded before Preity could speak up.

"Ohh was she now?" Salman smirked as Preity blushed.

"We were told to act like we were dating when we first collaborated in our first movie." Dad continued on as he forcibly tried to sit in the middle, between me and Preity.

"And?" I questioned, "Like no offense guys but what does that have to do with me?"

Dad looked at Preity and she nodded, taking his hand into hers.

"Shraddha, there's something we have been trying to tell you at the right moment..." Salman trailed off looking at Preity once more before sighing, "We're married."

"Kya?!"(What?!) I jumped off the couch as Preity winced.

"Shraddha-" Preity began.

"Just stop. Stop." I started walking back and forth, running my hand through my hair.

How could they have hidden something like this from me. ME of all people.

"We can explain." Dad responded. Great I just said that outloud.

"Well please do." I sat back down, trying to make sense of everything.

"Before I decided to take you in, me and Preity were in a long term relationship." I raised an eyebrow, " how did you two get married then?" I noted that neither of them were wearing their wedding rings.

"One way too many drinks and Salman and I decided to get married when we were in Vegas." Preity continued, "And then we got into a fight..." Dad was quick to hold her hand and gave her an encouraging smile to continue.

"That's around the time when I took you in." Dad finished.

I honestly didn't know what to say. I was lost. I mean Dad had taken me in to be his daughter seven months ago...did he really do that to fix his own guilt???

"Shraddha?" Dad called softly, snapping me out of my thoughts.


"I love you, you know that, right?" He reached for me, and I immediately curled up beside him.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Preity smile.

"C'mon." I called her to our little group hug.


I rolled my eyes, "I can't exactly have my dad separated from my mom, can I?"

She shook her head and wrapped her arms around both of us.

"I love you, both." I whispered.

Hey guys! Since the holidays are here, I thought why not give you readers a little family fluff:) Sorry for the lack of Varddha.

Whatcha think of this chapter? Like that Preity and Salman are together?

Let me know whatcha think of the banner as well, it's been a long since i made anything on photoshop, so I might be a bit rusty lol.

Brownie points if you can guess which movie those gifs are from.


VD was killing it yo with his humor.

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