Operation Varddha

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Arjun's POV

"Okay so I'm confused." I admitted when Varun had explained his latest dilemma.

"I know man, my life is fucked up." He sighed.

"So let's rewind and start from the beginning, okay?"  I said pulling a chair from the table.

He nodded.

"So you and Shraddha got into a fight over a text message?"

"Not a fight, bro. She BROKE UP with

"Okay, okay so what did the text say." I asked with pure curiosity. There had to be a reason for why Shraddha would want to break it off with him. I mean Varun and disloyalty?

"Here." He pulled out his iPhone 6 from his back pocket and scrolled to his messages.

Varun, I know that you still love me and that you kissing Shraddha was impulsive.

Please call me baby, I wanna work stuff out.

I miss you so much<3

"But I thought you said that you were over Alia?" I questioned.

"I was, man." He said rubbing his temple.


I knew it! Varun must have done something stupid. I sighed.

"Kya? Bro, what the fuck did you do?"

"I might have texted her back saying that I was willing to meet with her."

"Varun! How could you be so stupid?" I stressed.

"Look I just wanted to end it with her face to face." He said sheepishly.

"Okay what about Shraddha? How are you going explain yourself to her?"

"Leave that to me, bro." He paused, "But first I need to sort out my shit with Alia."

"I thought she understood that two were over." I voiced my opinion,"Why did Alia suddenly feel the need to show you her feelings..."

"Honestly I have no clue, I mean after that night that she broke up with me, she didn't try to contact me." Varun trailed off.

Suddenly it clicked as our eyes met, "Sid."

"I bet he wanted to get Shraddha to himself." Varun snapped, "He always had a little crush on her after Ek Villain."

"Well Varun you better get to Shraddha before Sid beats you." I clapped his shoulder, "And I know just the right person for this job."

We both shouted at the same time.

Varun looked at me like I was crazy, "We need to get the person she trust...to give us a second chance."

"Would that be Salman? And we all know that you're not in any position to talk to her parents especially Salman." I reasoned.

"Besides Karan has her on a contract, remember she signed when she agreed to be your fake girlfriend."

Varun sighed, "Let's just see who's willing to help."

Hopefully Varun would be able to solve his problems. And hopefully Shraddha doesn't fall for Sid's charms.

Merry Christmas❤️ and happy new year if I don't update before then

I hope you all get the presents that you want:)

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