Maine Pyar Kiya

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Shraddha's Pov.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

As I opened my eyes I was blinded by the light that shone through the hotel window.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

Using the blanket around me I covered my body and began to look for my cellphone, only to notice that Varun was missing.

Shit. That was I could say when the memories of last night hit me.

When I finally found my phone, I had over 72+ missed calls and texts and it still continued to buzz. Sighing, I placed my phone on silent and decided that I would look at my phone more deeply into after a nice shower.

After my shower, I grabbed my phone and went to the kitchen to make myself some coffee. It was there when I saw a cup cover with a written napkin.

I smiled, the only person that would leave me a cup had to be Varun. I placed the cup in the microwave as I began to read the note.


Last night was the best night I've ever had. I know that we are 'dating' but I can't help myself. At first I was unsure about the way I felt for you until I saw you last night. I don't know what you want to call this relationship. But all I know Rani, is that maine pyar kiya aur kiya sirf tumse. (I've fallen in love only with you.) I'll see you later baby:)

With pyar (love) from your sexy lover,


I stared at the note and read it once again, he's fallen for me. So many emotions flashed through my body. To be honest it scared me when I look back, we only had a two-four break before seeing each other, were we moving too fast?

However, I was interrupted by the noise made by the microwave. I slid the note into my pocket as I took out my cellphone and took a sip of the coffee.

Not bad, VD still remembered that I like my milk thin and coffee beans more.

Time to catch up with my peoples. Just by looking at the notifications that were on my phone, I knew that the media must have found about last night with Varun.

The most calls that got was from...

Dad, again no shock

Preity, kinda shock but not really

Karun, probably wanted to know what was going on with me and VD

Arjun...omg I totally forgot that I need meet up with him

I called Arjun and placed him on speaker as I grabbed my straightener.

"Where are you?" He said without skipping a beat.

"Well good morning to you too."

He chuckled, "Morning Shraddha, where are you?"

"Morning Arjun, I'm about the left the hotel and I need the address to the place can you please text to me?"

"Kay no problem, try to get here within a hour."

"Yeah okay thanks again Arjun."


After hanging up, I managed to grab a taxi driver and wondering if I should call the others. Just then my phone buzzed.


I'll meet at your shoot later babe.

I smiled, maybe I'll wait until I feel like it's a good time to reveal to the others about yesterday's events.

Omg hey peoples, Imso so so so so sorry about this super late update. I've just been swamped with so much homework and stressing about school work, that I didn't have time to write.(ps-sorry abt the shortness of this chapter) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR NICE COMMENTS, they really make me smile. But since I haven't gotten time to type this story, I made an outline and now know how I plan to end this story. I've say I have about 5-7 chapters left before this story ends. Oh and guys can you please check out my other story: Hum Aapke Hain Koun pretty please because I'll be updating the second chapter tomorrow for that story. Please comment or vote to let me know that y'all are still reading.


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