London or New Zealand???

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Shraddha's pov.

"Karan I really don't think that is a good idea." I started.

"Shraddha look I don't know what happened between you and Varun but all I know is that you signed a contract." He interrupted.


"But nothing. You have to come and that's final. Plus your father and mother are coming as well." He hung up.

I groaned. There was no way that I could avoid Varun considering that I have to show up for his Dilwale success bash. Plus, the whole world is waiting to see Salman Khan and Shahrukh Khan reunite.

But does the party have to be in London?

A knock interrupted my thoughts.

"Come in." I called.

"Shraddha?" I looked up to see Sid.

"Hey." I tried to smile but failed.

"Umm do you think we could go out?" He asked, "But it's totally cool if you don't want to. I just wanted to check up on you." He quickly added.

I giggled at his nervousness, "Sure just let me get ready. Why don't you go wait for me in the livingroom?"

As soon as I closed the door, I sighed. Why did I agree to do that? I mean I've turn it into something more. The last thing I need is more drama in my life. Especially from those whose name happen to be Varun Dhawan.

Varun's pov.

"Rani! Rani!" I called as I finally caught up with the maid. "Do you know where I can find Shraddha?"

"I'm sorry Varun but you missed her. She just left the house with Sid." She said.

I bit back a curse. I was too late. Just as I was about to walk out of her house, a familiar voice called, "Varun?" Leaving me to freeze in my tracks.

Salman smirked, "Just the person I wanted to see. Come inside."

Rani shot me an apologetic look as she scrambled off. I said my prayers and followed Salman inside.

Shraddha's pov.

"Wait! Sid you told her???" I almost slapped him.

"I couldn't stand the sight of her crying, Shraddha. I had to tell her the truth." He yelled back.

If I was a cartoon then you would definitely see steam pouring from my ears.

I sighed, "I guess you did what you thought was right." I played around with the noodles on my plate.

"Look, I heard about what happen between you and Varun. And I feel horrible."

You should. I thought as I stab my noodles with the fork.

But then again what if Varun still held feeling for Alia and I was just a distraction?

"Anyways I heard that you have to go to London and I also know that you're avoiding Varun."

"Wow what gave that away?" I said sarcastically.

"Why don't you come with me instead?"

"Come with you where?" I said confused.

"New Zealand."

I spat out my water, "New Zealand? You want me to go to New Zealand with you?"

"Consider it a sorry gift."

"As much as I would love to go...I can't."

Sid nodded as if he expected that answer, "I'll be there for the entire month. If you ever change your mind, I'm here for you." He winked.

I laughed, "Thanks Sid, you're a great friend."

As soon as I said those words the smile from his face dropped.

"Can I ask you something?" He gave me an intense look.

I nodded, "Yeah of course."

"How much do you really love Varun?"Just like that my fork slipped from my hand.

"Umm." I opened my mouth and closed it again, trying to answer his question.

"I've loved him ever since I was like eight." I whispered, "But I never had the courage to tell him again when we were teens and when I finally did he was dating Natasha."

"Kya?" (What?) I heard a familiar cracking voice behind me say. As Sid's eyes widen, my eyes closed, wondering how to face the obstacle behind me that I avoided for so long.

Happy New Year! I hope that this year, many of you continue to fulfill your hope and dreams.

So I decided to leave you guys with a cliff hanger since school is starting soon...Who do you think is behind Shraddha?

AND OMG SHRADDHA IS GOING TO BE IN HALF GIRLFRIEND... I really hope that the guy is either Varun or Arjun. But I really wanna see Shraddha act with Arjun.

Whatcha think Salman and Varun are gonna discuss lol???

Anyways until next time

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