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Izuku was flying to one of the zones that were not water, even though he had a waterproof suit he wasn't ready to test it out. He had heard explosions and earth cracking behind him not long after, indicating that the Nomu and All Might were now in battle. As much as he wanted to see the battle, he needed to make sure the others were safe.

He had just turned around the corner and there in the middle of the ruins zone, Kirishima, Aurora, and Aoyama were fighting their own group of thugs. He admired the quick accuracy of the dragon-tailed female using her Southern Dragon Style martial arts while Aoyama burned and blinded the heavy tankers while Kirishima finished them off with his fists.

They had just finished the armadillo villain when Izuku landed next to them. "Aura-chan, Kirishima-kun, Aoyama-kun you all ok?"

Aurora just growled deeply, causing Izuku's chest to vibrate at the sudden baritone. "These assholes think they can defeat us, what a laugh. If I had my brother's fire-breathing quirk they would have been BBQ."

"Oui, they are but small fry," Aoyama said and sheathed his Phaser and Dazzler. He then tapped his yellow glasses and gathered data on the fallen. "Médiocre, one would think they would bring more powerful crooks to deal with UA students and staff."

"Yeah, there has to be a goal, otherwise attacking for no reason is not manly one bit." Kirishima agreed before yanking his hand back and grabbing the head of a chameleon man before slamming him to the ground. "Sneaking behind one's back isn't manly either." He said and gave the crook a dark glare, causing him to shudder. Kirishima was definitely under a lot of strain, especially when things are just going downhill.

Izuku nodded and pointed towards the exit. "Yeah, they were looking to fight All Might, and they got it. He just arrived not too long ago, and I am trying to get everyone to safety. Aizawa is out of commission and Shouji, Sero, and Satou took him to safety. Orca sensei is safe for now, but he got flung into the water in the flood zone. The beast All Might is currently fighting is no joke, and Orca sensei told me whatever happens to get us out and leave the beast to them.

Kirishima gritted his teeth and looked down, frustration marring his features. Leaving anyone behind was not manly, but risking his allies' and friends' lives when they were clearly outmatched was even worse. "F-fine, let's go. I am sure pops has a plan, somehow."

Aurora grabbed his forearm and nodded. "I am sure they will win, but right now we need to follow Izuku-kun. My instincts also tell me to flee, we must live to fight another day."

"Je déteste ça. However, it must be done." Aoyama said and began to run with the others to the entrance. They could see the explosions and hear the earth breaking as they got closer to the battle.

They eventually neared the clearing and they met up with Katsuki's group where the soft blonde was holding the Warp Gate user down and putting his hand on some kind of metal collar. Victoria and Denki were jumping on the trees before landing on the top steps, once there she tended to Denki who looked like he was suffering a migraine from overstimulation.

Meanwhile, All Might and the Nomu were duking at each other, with neither one backing down and showing fatigue except for the No. 1 Hero. He was confused by this beast. How was it able to absorb his strongest punches like it was nothing, and hit him with just the same force? How was it able to regenerate when he tore its arm off? How many quirks did this brute have?

He was getting pissed. Pissed at the fact the villains came out of hiding, pissed that this NOMU is able to fucking wear him out, and pissed that his plans were slowly being undone! He needed to end this.

Shigaraki was thinking the same thing, and he had to rescue his partner from this trigger-happy brat. Don't get him wrong, he likes the fire and determination in this boy's eyes, but he is holding his key out of here hostage. He has to do something drastic, and he is sure he will get repercussions later.

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