Elizabeth Tucker

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After work, Hailey and I usually go home and make some sort of lunch before going off and doing our own things. Her's usually consists of a nap while I hang out in my room. Today is no different. As soon as she walks into her apartment, she takes off her shoes, puts on her slippers, and goes straight to her room. I know she will be asleep in the next 5 minutes which always amazes me. I take off my shoes, put on my slippers, and go into my room. I grab my phone out of my pocket and flop onto my bed. I opened up my phone to see a notification from tinder saying I had some new matches. I scroll through the matches, seeing it is mostly the people Hailey swiped right on for me. I go back to scrolling through the countless guys when one pops up on my screen.

"You're not like the rest," I say, tapping through the pictures. He's an FBI agent. I wonder if he knows the agents that worked on Josh's case, catching him murdering those prostitutes. I looked through his profile a little more before remembering what Hailey said to me last night.

"You should match with a cop, that would be funny," I repeated her words and just did it. I swiped right and the screen changed, saying it was a match. I sit up from my laying down position. I take a quick look around my room, looking at nothing, then back to my phone. I just laugh a little bit as I get up.

"Hailey," I say, opening my door and going across the hall, bust into hers. "Hailey!" I said again, seeing her laying down with her back to the door. I jump onto her bed next to her and sit down, looking at my phone again.

"Is it already the next morning? I feel like I just fell asleep," she mumbled, still having her back towards me.

"No. It's only been like 10 minutes, but look," I say, shoving my phone in front of her face. It takes her a second to open her eyes and focus on the picture. She suddenly grabs my phone out of my hand and sits up, holding it close to get a better look at the picture.

"FBI? I didn't think they were even allowed to have personal shit, never mind tinder," she said, scrolling through his pictures. "Spencer. He looks like a Spencer," she says, handing my phone back to me.

"I just think it's funny because the FBI is who caught Josh," I say as I look through his pictures one more time. He looks like he would be too young to be an FBI agent, but people are doing amazing things everyday. I keep looking through the 4 or 5 pictures this guy has on his profile over and over again.

"Text him," she said, noticing me obsessing with his guy a little bit. I just handed my phone over to her.

"I don't even know what to say," I said as she opened up a new message to this guy.

"How about..." she thinks for a moment before I see her face light up. "FBI huh? You must have a dangerous job?" She said out loud as she started typing. She shakes her head and deletes the message. "Oh I know," her face lights up again. "Hello Mr. FBI," she shakes her head again and deletes it one more time. She sat there thinking.

"How about hey, how are you?" I ask. She just rolls her eyes and types it out.

"I am only putting this because I can't think of anything better," she sent the message and handed me back my phone. "There goes Mr. FBI," she said as she laid back down, almost instantly going back to sleep. Again, amazed. I sneak out of her room before going to the living room to watch my favorite show at the moment, 'The First 48'. I know I shouldn't like true crime shows, but I started watching it before I knew about Josh's "habits". I get about half way into an episode when my phone dings. I opened it to see Mr. FBI, Spencer, texted me back. I knew I still got it.

"I'm good. How are you?" I read quietly. I knew he just wanted a normal conversation. He didn't seem like the type to just be shooting pick up lines back and forth.

Spencer: I'm good. How are you?

Me: Doing great, just got off work, now just relaxing.

Spencer: Where do you work when you get off at 1 o'clock in the afternoon?

Me: I work the morning shift at a coffee shop. What are you doing texting at 1 o'clock in the afternoon? Don't you have to be working?

Spencer: Not today. We just got back from Arizona this morning, so technically I already worked today.

Me: Arizona? What was in Arizona?

Spencer: 6 murders were in Arizona

I just stare at my phone in disbelief. He really just told me 6 murders were in Arizona. I guess I did ask what was there, so that was partially on me, but he didn't have to be so blunt about it.

Me: Wow. 6 different murderers or one murderer?

Spencer: Just one man. Going around and killing white women in their 30s in their homes.

Is he supposed to be giving me case details like this? Him telling me what this killer did just brought back the memories of the photos one of the FBI agents kept showing me, trying to get me to crack on Josh.

I didn't know, or even think Josh was a murderer before they brought me into the police station that day and started asking me all these questions about where Josh goes or how he treats me, hounding me until I broke. I gave them permission to go into our old apartment we had together and that is where they found the evidence they needed to bring him in. I didn't know any of this was even going on until after they arrested him. I was still there when they brought him in, covered in blood. He saw me and started yelling about how I betrayed him and he thought his fiancé would never turn on him. I couldn't even go home after that by myself. That was the day I moved in with Hailey. The 6 month anniversary of that day is coming up and I feel like I have been thinking about it more and more lately. I got too into my thinking that I completely zoned out. I didn't snap together until Hailey walked into the living room.

"Where did ya go there?" She asks, cheery, but still looking groggy, like she has been up for a while laying in bed. She walks to the kitchen and starts making us dinner like she usually does.

"Spencer texted me back," I told her, changing the subject. I look down at my phone and still have the messages open. I am still thinking of what to say when Hailey stops what is doing and comes to sit next to me on the couch. I turn my phone towards her and she reads the messages.

"That's where you went," she noted the last thing he said. She looked a little close at the time he sent it. "You were staring off for 20 minutes?" She shoved me lightly and pushed my phone back to me. I just looked at the messages. I start typing again.

Me: Woah, that sounds intense. How did you catch him?

"Don't say that!" She exclaimed as I pushed the send button. She just groans and stands up, going back to the kitchen to continue cooking. "You need to get murder out of your head! Stop watching that show too!" She said, I leaned forward and turned off the tv. I see the three little dots pop up as he types. I quickly turn off my phone.

"Did you need any help?" I offer, like I do every night, arching my head back to look at her upside down from the couch. She said she got it when my phone buzzed again.

Spencer: Caught him in his apartment lobby with his murder kit. We chased him outside and he stopped to take a hostage. Of course, we were able to talk him down.

Me: Woah. What a stupid criminal

Spencer: Not everyone is good at killing

Me: I guess you are right about that one

Spencer: I have to run, I'll talk to you later?

Me: Yeah, talk to you later :)

After that, I just shut off my phone. I stand up and walk to the kitchen. Hailey starts talking to me about this boy she started talking to and this mean lady that came into the shop while I was on my lunch, switching back and forth between stories. She isn't much of a story teller, but she sure makes them exciting. 

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