Elizabeth Tucker

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I shot up as I heard my phone ring. Normally, I am a very heavy sleeper, except for when my phone rings. I always tell people to call me if they need anything and some people have taken me up on that offer. I reach over Hailey who is still sleeping and grab my phone. I look at it and see that Spencer is calling me.

"Spencer. Are you okay?" I say quietly as to not wake up Hailey.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry if I woke you up, I just wanted to call you and let you know we just got off," he says, sounding tired.

"Oh my god. Just now? It's like 7 in the morning," I say as I gently crawl over Hailey. I get up and walk out my door, quietly opening the door, sneaking out, and closing it behind me. I know if I wake her up on the weekend before 9, I would be in deep shit for the rest of the day.

"Yeah, but I was wondering if I could come to your place. You're a lot closer to the headquarters and I am so tired, I might fall asleep driving."

"Do you want me to come pick you up? I can take you back here to sleep for a while?"

"No, I think I can make it, I was just wondering."

"Of course. I'll meet you out front, text me when you are close, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you," he says and hangs up. I notice how he never says bye, and I think it is really cute. I grab my keys and throw on Hailey's sweatshirt from last night that was thrown on the back of a chair in the kitchen. I softly close the door and walk down the stairs. I walk over to the coffee shop and walk in.

"Hey girl. What are you doing here?" Jenna, one of the weekend girls says to me. She is still in high school, but she is super sweet.

"Just making Hailey and I some coffee. You know her," both of the girls behind the counter just nod their head in agreement. I make both of us the same coffee, but I also make a third hot black coffee for Spencer. I don't know what he likes, so I make the most basic thing that most cops get. I grab a small bag and put some sugar packets into it. I grab a drink carrier and put all three drinks into it. I thank the girls and walk out with my drinks as my phone starts to ring.

"Hey, I'm walking outside of your building now," I hear Spencer say as I answer the phone. I turn the corner and see him standing there on his phone, facing away from me.

"Okay, give me one second. By the way, I like the suit," I said. I watched him look around, finally turning around and seeing me. He laughs and hangs up the phone. I pick up my pace a little bit to get to him.

"Thank you," he says as he reaches his arm out for a little side hug. I look up at him and see the stitches on his head. I give him the side hug, but keep my arm on his waist.

"Are you okay? What happened?" I asked as I looked closer at the stitches.

"One of these for me?" He deflects the question as grabs the tray out of my hand and keeps his other arm around my shoulder.

"Come on," I tell him as I open the front door. I keep him up a little as we slowly walk up the stairs. We finally get to my door and I open it. Spencer is practically laying on me as I grab the tray from his hand and put it on the kitchen counter. I walk him to my bedroom and open the door, seeing Hailey still sleeping. He sits on my bed and lays back, almost falling asleep. I go over to Hailey and shake her awake.

"What?" She mutters as she opens one of her eyes to look at me.

"Spencer is here, you need to get up," I whisper to her. She picks her head up confused. I just look at Spencer then back to her. Her head turned to where I looked, then snapped back to me. We stay silent for a second and hear him softly snoring. She gets up and walks to my door. "There is a coffee for you on the counter." She just winks at me and closes my door. I walk on my knees down to the foot of my bed and take off his shoes.

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