Spencer Reid

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The next morning isn't any different from any other morning when I wake up in my own bed. I had a weird dream last night about a case we had about 6 months ago where a man was going around murdering prostitutes, but in this dream, he was murdering Elizabeth, the girl I'm talking to online. I don't normally think dreams mean anything, but this time may be different. I shoot up out of bed to get to work early. I'm going to have Garcia look up this case for me and see why this girl is attached to it.

I walk into the bustling FBI building and go straight to the elevators to get to the BAU. I arrive on the floor and I am the first one of my team to arrive. I walk over and make myself a coffee, bringing it over to my desk and setting my stuff down. I sit down and put the coffee to my mouth, thinking about the pictures of this girl and the dream I had last night. I don't know why my mind is giving up on me right now.

"Reid?" I hear from right next to me. I look up and see Derek standing there, waving his hand to get my attention. "I said your name like three times, where were you?" I just take a deep breath and look back down at my blank computer screen.

"Do you remember a few months back we had a guy going around and brutally murdering prostitutes?" I asked. I see him out of the corner of my eye as he gives me a confused look. He sets his stuff down, thinking.

"The one where we said he wouldn't be able to keep a relationship but he ended up having a fiancé?" He asks and it clicks in my head. Elizabeth was the fiancé.

"Yes, yes!" I say, pointing at him. "Josh...Josh Demonte! Yeah! They brought the girl in the morning after he killed his last victim and Hotch got her to give us permission to go through their apartment, finding the knife with the blood of the last victim and his fingerprints. That's-yeah," I say, relieved that this wasn't going to stump me anymore. I never got to see the girl in person, but I remember seeing a picture of her in the apartment. Morgan just looks at me even more confused as he has no idea why I would be thinking about that case.

"Reid, we also traumatized the poor girl in the process by showing her the pictures of the things he did to those women. I brought him in when she was still at the police station. Are you excited about that?" Morgan asks, putting his hand to my head. I just move my head away from his hand.

"No, I got home last night and started going through that app that you showed me and I found this girl..." I started but Morgan interrupted me.

"Don't tell me you matched with a serial killer's ex fiancé," Morgan said. I just looked up at him like a child who did something he wasn't supposed to. "Spencer Reid. Stop talking to her."

"Stop talking to who?" Emily chimes in as she sets her belongings on her desk.

"Little Spencer here started talking to Josh Demonte's ex fiancé," Morgan explained to her as he sat down. Emily just looked kind of confused.

"Where do I know that name from?" It takes her a second to realize who we were talking about. She just opens her mouth in surprise. "No!"

"Yeah, that's why I told little Reid to stop talking to her," Morgan said, rocking back in his chair.

"If you think about it, the statistics..." I start explaining but Morgan just shushes me.

"There is no statistic here that would justify an FBI agent dating the ex fiancé of a murderer. There's just not," Morgan said as Rossi walked by to get to his office.

"Do I even want to know?" He asks as he stops right by my desk. We all just shake our heads no and he just continues on up to his office.

"Well is she cute?" Emily asks, looking down at my phone in my hand. I pull up the app on my phone and show her. "Well you did what Morgan told you yesterday."

"Nuh uhh, you do not put this on me. I didn't tell you..." he started explaining himself, but it was my turn to interrupt him.

"You told me that if I think a girl is cute, then I get to know her afterwards. She must have liked me, otherwise why are we talking?" I ask. Emily just looks at me.

"You aren't talking. You haven't texted her and," she looks at her watch, "it looks like it's later," she mentioned.

"Whose side are you on?" I asked, taking my phone back. They just both laugh at me. I open our messages up and see she hasn't texted me.

Me: Good morning.

She doesn't text me back right away, so I turn off my phone. As soon as I do, Hotch calls us up to the conference room for another case. This time, we are going to Oregon to work another murder case, this time it is men who are being murdered.

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