Elizabeth Tucker

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Immediately after closing the door, I put my back to it and remembered the kiss. This would be a good instance to have an eidetic memory. I can't stop myself from smiling. I squeal as I push myself off the door. I feel like a teenager who just had her first kiss. I run to the kitchen where I have my phone and pick it up, texting Hailey.

Me: I know you're on your date but I have an update

Hails: What's up girly pop?

Me: Call me later.

I put my phone down and walk over to the couch, laying down. I just stare up at the ceiling, smiling to myself. I look over to the clock on the wall. It read 9 o'clock and all of a sudden, I felt pooped. I get up and start getting ready for bed. I take off my date outfit and put on some sweats and a tank top. I am brushing my teeth when I hear my phone ding from the other room. I run over and pick it up.

Spencer: Local case, so not leaving town.

Me: Well that's good, but also kind of scary. You get to work, I'll talk to you later.

Spencer: I probably won't be done by the time you're asleep, so good night. I had fun tonight :)

Me: Me too :)

I finish brushing my teeth and crawl into bed. Hailey has always called me an old woman because I prefer to be in bed and asleep before 10. I am under my covers when my phone starts ringing. I pick it up to see Hailey is calling me.

"Spencer kissed me," I say without even a hello. Hailey and I are so similar, she does the same little girl squeal as I did when I closed the door.

"Dr. FBI kissed her," she updated Peter, the construction guy. He says something to her that I can't quite hear. "He said congratulations."

"Thank him for me."

"Wait, if you're talking to me, where is Spencer?"

"He got called into work."

"Oh that stinks. I know you're in bed right now. I will be home late, so tell me all about your date tomorrow," Hailey knows me too well.

"Okay. Have fun and stay safe. Call me if you need anything," I tell her and hang up the phone. I put it back down and head off to sleep, waking up a couple hours later to Hailey coming in. I get up and open my door to see her going into hers.

"Is Peter with you?" I ask quietly. She jumps a little and turns around.

"Dropped him off before I came home," she said as she pushed past me into my room. She grabs a pair of my pajama shorts and takes off her jeans, putting them on. She grabs a sweatshirt and pulls that on as well. She jumps onto my bed and smacks next to her, telling me to sit.

"Oh my god, he's great!" I say as I sit next to her. I told her all about the date and what we did. "And he's so smart. Actually the smartest person in the world. Like graduated high school at 12 smart," I could go on about how smart he is all day.

"Like literally 12 years old?"

"Yeah, but poor thing. I don't think anyone likes to listen to his facts. He stopped himself multiple times from going on about whatever the subject was," I said. She puffs out her lower lip and gives me puppy dog eyes. "I know." I keep going about the details of the date.

"So how did you get him to come over here?" She asks, brushing a hair out of her face.

"Well we passed the coffee shop and I told him that if he wanted to come up, he could, and he did."

"Now tell me about the kiss."

"Oh my god, he almost kissed me on the couch. We were sitting there, talking about how he got beat up at school, then he leaned toward to give me a kiss, but his phone rang. It was his work calling him in."

"At nine o'clock at night?"

"That's what I thought too, but I did hear a man's voice telling him some ASAP, so I walked him to the door. He was facing the door, I reached around him to unlock it for him, and he turned around and did this!" I said as I grabbed her face with my palms on her cheeks and pulled her in close.

"That's hot," she said and I dropped my hands. I agreed with her and she talked to me about her night, going out with Peter the construction guy. We are eventually laying down and talking, and end up falling asleep in my bed. 

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