Elizabeth Tucker

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The skin next to all of my nails is bleeding from me picking at them all day. I don't know what is happening. Nobody has walked in or talked to me for what seems like hours. My perception of time was all messed up. I had no idea how long I had been in this room for, or if it was even the same day. I had my chin on the table and I was just staring off into space when the door opened again. I look up and it is a blonde woman dressed in a very colorful outfit.

"Elizabeth, I'm Penelope. Spencer told me all about you," she said as she took the handcuffs off my wrists. All I can do is stand up and hug her. She is the only person that has shown me any compassion today. I wrap my arms around her shoulder and she wraps hers around my waist.

"Thank you," I whisper to her. If I hadn't been crying all day, I think I could cry now. I let go of her and just wiped my face. She looked at me with a smile and grabbed my hand.

"Come on. They should be back soon," she said as she gave me a little tug to walk with her. She walks me back to Spencer's desk and sits me down. I look down and see there is a water bottle and some chips on the desk. "I know it's not much, but you must be dehydrated," she says as she sits in the chair right next to me. I thank her again and open the water, gulping it down. I open the bag of chips and start eating one at a time. Penelope and I are talking a little bit when I hear Spencer's voice call out my name. I stand up and run towards him, jumping into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist. He holds me up with one hand and puts his other hand on my head, holding me close. He sets me down and pulls away from the hug just enough to look at me.

"Elizabeth, I love you," Spencer blurted out. All I can do is smile at him. Those are the best words to hear at this exact moment.

"I love you too, Spencer Reid," I laugh a little bit. I am thinking when the thought of Josh enters my head. "What happened with Josh?"

"He's dead," he informed me. I know it's bad to be relieved about someone's death, but I can't help but to feel anything else. Spencer wipes under my eyes with his thumbs and smiles down at me. He leans down and gives the best kiss he ever has before. We stay like this for a while until we hear someone clear their throat. We pull away and both look in that direction. It is the blonde woman from the photos that Will the cop has shown me.

"Hi, I'm-" she starts talking, but I interrupt her.

"JJ? Your husband is Will the cop. He comes into the coffee shop almost every morning, he loves to talk about you and your son," I smile with a little laugh coming out. She blushes a little bit and nods her head, walking away.

"How are you?" Spencer asks. He grabs my hands and pulls them up to his face to get a close look at my wrists. They are starting to turn purple. "I'm sorry this happened to you," he said as he kissed my knuckles, looking me in the eyes.

"I just want to go home," I tell him. He just gives me sad eyes.

"You can't go home quite yet. He was in your apartment when we got to him," Spencer breaks the news. My mind automatically goes to Hailey. I think Spencer sees the panic in my eyes. "Hailey is at Peter's place. We dropped her off before we got here," he reassured me and the muscles in my shoulders relaxed.

"Can you take me back to yours?" I ask him. He just smiles and nods his head. I turn around to go back to Spencer's desk to grab my purse and keys when I see the two men that kept talking to me in the interrogation room. I just stop and look back at Spencer. He was watching me, so he looked up to what I saw and sighed a little bit. He walks behind me and puts his hand on the small of my back, ushering me to his desk.

"Elizabeth. I apologize for what we did. There is no excuse for it," Morgan says as he sticks his hand out for me to shake. "I'm Derek Morgan," he said. I look at his hand, then up to Spencer. He just nods his head towards Derek and I turn my head back. I reluctantly shake his hand. I drop his hand and turn to look at the other man, the one Spencer called Hotch. He is still just staring at me, but I can stare for just as long. My jaw clenched a little bit as he narrowed his eyes.

"Spencer, can we go?" I say, my eyes not moving from his. Spencer just sighs and he leans over and grabs my purse off his desk.

"Let's go," he said as he grabbed my hand. We start to walk out the door when I hear the man pipe up.

"I'm sorry," he said. Spencer just looks at me in shock, like it is the first time he has heard him apologize. I turn around and look at him.

"Thank you," I say, keeping my guard up. He nods his head and I return it. I just turn back around and start walking out again, interlacing my fingers with Spencer's. "Hey Spencer,"

"What's up?" He asks, looking down at me as we get to the elevators.

"Can we stop by Peter's apartment before we go to yours?" He just smiles and nods his head, looking back towards the elevator doors.

"Of course."

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