Spencer Reid

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I walked down the hall after our briefing down to Garcia's office and knocked on her door, hoping she would be in there.

"Come in youngling," she said after glancing back to see who knocked. She turned towards her computer screens again, typing in some code I think. "Have a seat, you want to know more about this girl?" She looked at me over the top of her glasses.

"How did y-"

"Derek told me, like right after you guys talked," she explained, as she continued typing on something onto her computer. I don't look out of respect for whatever she was doing.

"Her name is Elizabeth. I don't know her last name, but I was wondering if you can pull up her ex fiance's file for me?" I ask and she just looks over at me quicker than I have seen before.

"Her ex fiance? Who is he? Derek only told me you met a girl online and asked for me to look HER up," she said. I just sat there in silence with my mouth open. She reached over and put her fingers below my jaw, closing my mouth. "You'll catch flies."

"His name is Josh Demonte," I explain, looking at her screen. I see she has a screen full of this girl, her driver's license photo and a photo of her with Josh Demonte.

"I was wondering who this guy was," she said, closing the tabs she had open. She typed in his name and found his files. "I will have them printed and to you before you leave for your flight," she says as I hear her printer start to whirl awake.

"You're the best," I tell Garcia and stand up to start walking out.

"Do you want to know her last name?" She calls out after me. I turn around to see her facing me at the door. I just nod my head a little. "Tucker."

We are now on the flight, talking about the case we have going on right now. I have Josh Demonte's files in my bag, waiting for downtime to look through them to remind myself about him and see if there is anything about Elizabeth in them.

"Okay, we should be landing in a few hours, so get some rest," Hotch says as he closes the current case file he has in front of him. I move from the couch to a different set of chairs and pull out my phone, so see if Elizabeth texted me. As soon as I open the messages, she does.

Elizabeth: Well good morning to you too :)

Me: Are you working right now?

Elizabeth: Yeah, aren't you supposed to be working?

Spencer: We are on the plane right now so I have some downtime.

I am thinking of something else to say when I accidentally click a button I don't mean to. A message pops up saying confirm block. I quickly hit no, do not block. I need a better way of contacting her.

Me: This is really awkward, but do you mind if I text your phone number? I'm just not good at this whole thing and I don't want to accidentally click the wrong button.

Elizabeth: Sure :) it's 555-9365

Me: I will text you in a few.

I kinda like it when she uses those smiley faces in her text message. I don't feel myself smiling at my phone, but Derek says something to me as he sits across from me.

"What are you smiling at, lover boy?" I immediately turn off my phone and look up at him. I feel so angry with him about going to Garcia to look her up.

"Elizabeth Tucker. Do you want to know how I know her last name? Garcia told me. I am sure she told you as well, after you asked her to look her up for you," I could go on for hours about how that was inappropriate for him to do.

"Woah Reid, calm down. I just wanted to make sure she wasn't-"

"Wasn't what? A serial killer like her ex? Do you look up every woman you know to make sure they don't kill people?"

"Reid, I didn't mean it like that, man," he tries to calm me down. I just stand up and move to the other side of the plane. Everyone is looking at me as I pass and then look at Morgan, who just shrugs his shoulders. Unbelievable. If I questioned every girl he has been with, he would think about it the same way. I don't talk to girls very much, but when I do, Morgan has to make such a big deal out of it. I am tired of being treated like the child of the team. 

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