Spencer Reid

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God, she must be so scared. I keep looking at her sitting in my chair through the conference room window.

"Garcia, can you look up who visited him while in prison?" I hear Hotch say as I am still staring at her. "Reid, can you be on this case?" My head snaps over to him.

"Yes, sorry sir," I say as I look back to the photos, waiting for Garcia to look up the names.

"Just three, his lawyer, a 'Janelle Demonte', and," she takes a pause as she looks up at me. "Elizabeth Tucker," everyone is now looking at me. That is when Hotch stands up and starts walking out of the room.

"Aaron," Rossi says. I quickly stand up, but I am frozen just standing there watching. Hotch stops a few feet outside of the conference room and faces her.

"When was the last time you saw your fiancé?" He yells at her. I look out the window and see her head turn towards his voice. I can't hear what she says, but whatever it was, it made him even more mad. He walked down the steps, everybody including me quickly shuffled out of the conference room. We all stopped where Hotch was and watched. Elizabeth had stood up at this point.

"When was the last time you saw your fiancé?" We hear Hotch ask again. Elizabeth had stopped crying, but her face is redder than I have ever seen.

"I just said. In the police station after he was arrested," she said in a stern, calm voice that I haven't heard. The two are inches away from each other and they look like they are about to get into a yelling match.

"Then why are you listed among his visitors at the prison?" Hotch says, his voice a little louder than normal, but not quite yelling.

"I. Don't. Know," Elizabeth said, pausing between every word.

"That's it," Hotch says as he turns her around and forces her hands together. He handcuffs her and starts walking away from us. I start to run towards the stairs to stop them, but Morgan just catches me.

"He knows what he is doing," he reassured me. All I can do is watch as Elizabeth struggles, but Hotch has a firm grip on her arm. They disappear around the corner as they go towards investigation. I just keep watching that same corner as Morgan drags me into the conference room. I sat down in the chair I was in before and just stared at the pictures. JJ puts her hand on my shoulder, but I jerk away from her. I continue staring, trying to find something we could have missed. I hear Hotch come back into the room, but I don't look up.

"Aaron, what was that?" I hear Rossi say. I just clench my jaw as I keep looking.

"Morgan, Prentiss, go to the prison and go talk to the guards, see if there is anything Demonte did while he was in there. JJ and Dave, come with me to the latest crime scene. Reid, go home," Hotch gives out assignments, and when he gives me mine, I just keep looking at the pictures.

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Reid, I said go home," Hotch repeated himself. That is when I finally looked up at him.

"With all due respect, sir, I am not leaving until we find this guy. You just dragged my girlfriend away in handcuffs and I am going to be the one that will prove you wrong," I say, looking him dead in the eyes. I am beyond pissed. She is just a little barista, there is no way she had anything to do with the murder of 19 women. Why would he leave a note saying 'she's next' if they were working together. Hotch's train of thought is just not clicking in my head.

"Garcia, look up everything you can find on this woman. Reid, if you go into that interrogation room, I will make sure you never see the inside of this building again," Hotch just leaves, leaving me and Garcia in the conference room alone. I just look at her and she is giving me the most worried look I have ever seen her give.

"Reid, are you okay?" She asks. I just shake my head and stand up.

"You're not going to find anything connecting her to these murders," I say as I walk out. Garcia calls out after me, but I don't stop. I walk out, down the hall towards the interrogation room, and enter the one that looks into the room. I look at Elizabeth sitting there, handcuffed to the table. Her leg is bouncing up and down and she keeps wiping tears away with her shoulder. It kills me to see her like this, like she's a criminal. She rests her chin on her shoulder as she starts to dissociate. I have no idea what is running through her head, and it breaks my heart watching her. I pull up a chair and just stare, watching her every move. It had to be an hour or so later when Garcia came into the room I am in. I look up at her with hopeful eyes. She gives me a small smile.

"Nothing yet sweetness, I just wanted to check on you," she said, putting her hand on my shoulder. I just look back at Elizabeth. Then Hotch busts into the room she's in.

"Who is this woman?" He said as he put down a picture. Elizabeth wiped her eyes again with her shoulder and looked down at the picture. Garcia and I are just watching her.

"That's Janelle, Josh's sister," she calmly explained. She looked back up to Aaron. "We moved out here from California because she did. He is the only family he has left and he wanted to stay close to her," she continued to explain. Hearing Elizabeth talk about her past with him makes me upset, but I can't exactly pinpoint why.

"Why is your name on the visitor log at the prison?" I hear Hotch ask again.

"I know you're hoping for another answer, but I honestly don't know," as she is talking, Morgan walks into the room. He just slams down some papers on the desk, standing there next to Hotch. "What are these?" She asks, looking down at the top piece of paper. She looks more confused than ever.

"These are from the bondsman. They say you paid his bail," Morgan's voice is solid. Elizabeth just looks back up at him. I can see the tears start to roll down her face again. Garcia just looks at me.

"Does she get a lot of cash? Because there is nothing in her bank records that says that she paid that," she asked. I just close my eyes.

"She gets cash tips and never spends them," I tell her. Garcia just gasps. I don't want to believe it. I thought I knew all about this girl. No, I do know this girl. I know she would never do anything like that. I know this because...

I love her

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