Elizabeth Tucker

826 13 1

It is about mid morning and the coffee shop is unusually busy for a Thursday. We usually have some downtime at 9, but today just has been busy nonstop for the last hour or so. When the rush ends, I am covered in coffee, milk, and other kinds of sweeteners. I hadn't heard from Spencer since he said he would talk to me later at around 6 last night.

"Maybe he got scared away from your 'how are you'?" Hailey suggested as I told her about my problem when the rush calmed down. She was helping me make the last couple's order. I just look over to her in disbelief.

"I am looking at a serious problem here. This guy is so cute, and the exact opposite of Josh, so you'd think this guy would be a win for you," I said, pouring hot milk into the latte.

"You're right," she said, mixing an iced tea. She sets the drink on the pick up counter and comes back over to me. "Maybe you just need to be patient. I think the FBI agent is going to be a busy man." She says walking over to me and leaning against the counter. I just roll my eyes and bring the drink to the counter.

"Kate!" I yell out to the room. The young couple come up and collect their drinks, heading out the door. I look back to Hailey and she is picking up my phone. She turns on the screen and immediately looks up to me excited.

"He texted you an hour ago," she said, opening up my phone. She opens the app and opens our messages. "He said good morning." She looked up at me to gauge my reaction.

"He said good morning!" I said excitedly. She joins my excited reaction and we bounce around a little bit. "Means he was thinking about me this morning!" I say, snatching my phone out of her hands. I read the message and looked up at her. "He used a period," I pointed out.

"You're overthinking it. He is like what, 30? You're 25. He is just writing full and complete sentences like an adult. He's mature," she said, taking my water bottle off the counter and drinking it until it was out. I hold my hand out to grab it from her. I pop the top off and head to the ice machine.

"Maybe you're right," I say, crushing up the ice into pieces to fit into my water bottle.

"I'm sorry. I didn't hear that, what did you say?" She said sarcastically. I just repeat myself, not wanting to drag this on. I refill my water bottle with water and hand it back to her. She grabs it, takes a drink, and sets it back on the counter.

I pick up my phone and open the messages back up.

Me: Well good morning to you too :)

I immediately see the three dots pop up and start dancing around as he is typing.

Spencer: Are you working right now?

Me: Yeah, aren't you supposed to be working?

Spencer: We are on the plane right now so I have some downtime. This is really awkward, but do you mind if I text your phone number? I'm just not good at this whole thing and I don't want to accidentally click the wrong button.

"Oh my god," I say out loud. Hailey immediately pops her head up from her phone and looks at me. "He asked for my number. Like my phone number," I just give her the wide eyes and she gives them back to me.

"Wow, not your Snapchat but your phone number. This guy is really into you," she jokes as she continues to spin her stool around in circles. She starts kicking her feet like a little girl. "Spencer and Bethy, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G," she sings like a little girl. I just laugh and look back down at my phone.

Me: Sure :) it's 555-9365

Spencer: I will text you in a few.

"He will text me in a few," I tell Hailey what he texted me. She gives me a quiet squeal as people start to come in the door. 

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