Elizabeth Tucker

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"He's back."

I know exactly who he is talking about. I start to put the pieces together and I just have to take a seat. As I think, I feel my breath start to get heavier.

"Elizabeth, you have to breathe calmly," I hear Spencer tell me. I just look at him through the tears in my eyes. He is crouched down in front of me. He grabs my hands and rubs them with his thumbs.

"Spencer, there is something I need to tell you," I said to him. He just shakes his head.

"No. You don't. I already know. I have known for months. I just need you to know that as long as you're here, you're safe," he tells me before standing me up, pulling me up from my chair. I look over at the team still just standing there.

"I thought he was in prison. Are you sure that he did it?" I say, looking back at Spencer. "Wait, what do you mean you've known for months?" Spencer just held onto my hands a little tighter.

"When we first started talking, I didn't know, I swear, but it was soon after I put it together. Morgan was actually the one to make the arrest," he says. I look back to where the team was, but my eyeline moves up to an office where a man was looking down on us. I look a little closer and realize it is the guy who showed me pictures and yelled at me for hours until I gave permission for them to go through my apartment. I yank my hands out of Spencer's and start storming up to his office.

"Where is she going?" I hear a woman say.

"Elizabeth, wait," I hear Spencer. I don't stop though. The man opened the door to his office and stepped out.

"You!" I say as I get up to him. I want to punch him. The anger is trying to get the better of me. "You were the one that traumatized me. You were the-" I feel Spencer grab my waist and start pulling me away.

"I'm sorry Hotch," Spencer says. The man is just looking down at me with serious eyes. I grab Spencer's hands and throw them off of me.

"Do you not feel bad for what you did to me? You ruined my life," my voice starts to get louder and louder. Spencer just wraps his arms around my waist again, this time lifting me off the ground.

"Let's go," he said as he went to carry me out of the room.

"19 women. He murdered 19 women," I hear 'Hotch' yell out after me. I stop struggling and calm down almost instantly. Spencer stops and looks at me.

"I thought it was 18," I looked up at Spencer. He looks at me with the softest eyes, almost like he feels bad. "Spencer, he said 19. I read the newspaper about it thousands of times. They all said 18. What happened?" I feel a tear roll down my face. Spencer sets me down and wipes the single tear away.

"He killed again last night," Spencer whispers to me. I swallow the lump in my throat, trying not to be a blubbering mess.

"Why am I here? I don't know anything about it," I am looking around the room, still seeing the team looking at me. As I make eye contact with them, they would look away. "Do they think I had something to do with this? I haven't talked to him since the day he got put in prison," I defended myself.

"Elizabeth, no," Spencer's voice is so calming. It made me breathe easier and the tears stopped rolling down my cheeks.

"Spencer, we have to go back to work," I hear a man say. We both turn to look at him. Spencer nods and grabs my hand, pulling me back into the room.

"You can sit at my desk until we can find a spot for you," he says as he sits me down.

"I could just go home? I'll just lock the doors," I suggested. Spencer just shook his head as he said no.

"Just stay here until we figure something out," he said. He grabbed my face and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "I'll come back soon." I nod my head towards him. He walks back up to the room he was in when I got here, where the rest of his team was. I just look around the room, scared to do anything else. 

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