Spencer Reid

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We are driving in a comfortable silence on the way to Peter's house. I have only met him a handful of times, but he seems like a good guy to have around the girl's apartment when I am not there. Today was the second time I have been there, the first being dinner for me to meet him. We are about 5 minutes out when I glance over at Elizabeth, holding her wrists and moving her hand in a circle. I let out a small sigh.

"I am sorry they did that to you," I say in almost a quiet whisper. She looks over at me and drops her wrist from her hand.

"It's okay. I mean, I can understand why they wouldn't trust me. You didn't tell them about me and they seem like they were protecting you," she said as she looked out the passenger window.

"No. That is no excuse for what they did. I brought you in there to protect you from Josh, not for you to be locked up the whole day handcuffed to the table," I say, gripping the steering wheel a little bit tighter. My knuckles start to turn white when I feel Elizabeth's hand on my leg. I instantly relax and take a deep breath.

"Spencer, I am a forgive and forget type of person. I just won't visit you at work for a while," she joked with a small chuckle. I smile. How she can make jokes about this amazes me. I let out a small laugh as we went back to silence. We get to Pater's apartment building and I pull into a spot right up front. I park the car and get out quickly, rushing to the other side of the car to let Elizabeth out. She thanks me as I hold my hand out to help her up and out of the car. I close the door and start walking to the front of the building. We get up to the door and I knock on.

"Hold on," I hear Peter call out. It is about 20 seconds before he opens the door and sees me standing there with Elizabeth. "Hey you guys."

"Lizzy!" I hear a yell from behind Peter. I see Hailey run up and tightly hug Elizabeth. The tears are starting to run down both of their cheeks. We all just stand there in silence as the reunion goes on.

"Hey man, I never got a chance to thank you," I hear Peter say. I just turn towards him and shake my head.

"No need. I am just doing my job," I say. Elizabeth and Hailey run inside of the apartment, and we follow behind.

"There is a need. I honestly don't know what I would do without Hailey. I know I have only known her for a few months, but she is honestly the best thing to happen to me," Peter says as we walk into his kitchen. I nod my head as I look over to Elizabeth and Hailey on the couch, talking. Hailey is rubbing something on Elizabeth's wrists.

"I feel the same way about her," I say. He looks over to them as well and nods his head.

"They call you Dr. FBI," he blurted out. I just look at him confused. He looks back at me and shrugs his shoulders. I laughed a little bit and thought back to try to remember if she has ever said anything like that to me.

"You are Peter the construction guy," I replied. He lets out a small laugh. "And my coworker's husband is Will the cop," I start to put the pieces together.

"You think they do that with everyone they meet?" He asks, also putting the pieces back together.

"I think they do. They must do that so they can remember who is who. They gossip a lot," I say, leaning against the counter.

"It's not gossiping if it's true," I hear Elizabeth call out without even looking at us. I shake my head and start walking to the couch. I stand behind the couch, behind Elizabeth and lean over, kissing the top of her head. 

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