Spencer Reid

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I put my phone back into my pocket as we pulled into the police station parking lot. I am sitting by myself in the very back of the SUV, so when we park, I crawl out from the back. The lead detective meets us outside of the station to greet us and welcome us in. I give him a little wave as JJ introduces me as Doctor Spencer Reid. Even though I think the team sees me as a child, they always make sure to address me as 'Doctor' to others, something Gideon started and the rest of the team has followed. I always appreciated that.

"Welcome and thank you for coming so quickly," the lead detective says to us as we walk inside the station to get to work.

It is the end of the day and I am decompressing in my room. Today, we were able to deliver a profile to the cops of Salem. I am sitting in my hotel room when I decide to look over Josh Demonte's case file. I got it from my bag and was about to sit down when I heard a knock on my door. I throw the folder onto my bed, covering it with a pillow and walk over to the door.

"Reid, it's Morgan," I hear on the other side of the door. I open it and move off to the side to let him in. "I wanted to find out what happened on the plane?"

"I don't know. I just thought maybe you didn't trust me or something. I felt betrayed that you went behind my back to have Garcia look up this girl I only met yesterday," I explain, trying to avoid eye contact with him.

"I understand, and I apologize. You know I am just trying to look out for you," he says, putting his hand on my arm. I look at him and nod. I bite the skin on the inside of my cheek, building up the nerve to say something else.

"I just want to make my own decisions. I am a grown man," I say in a quiet voice. He just nods and looks around my hotel room. He looks back at me and starts walking back to the door.

"Will do. Let me know if I step on your toes again, and don't explode on me like that," he says, opening the door to the hallway. I agreed and he left. I went back to the bed and moved the pillow to look at the file. Am I doing the same thing to this girl? Looking up her past to better understand her? I put the folder back into my bag, and pulled out my phone.

Me: Hey, are you still awake?

Elizabeth Tucker: Just laying in bed. How is Oregon?

Me: It's good. I like the views of the mountains. Have you ever been?

Elizabeth Tucker: Not there, but I actually grew up in Northern California, so I grew up around those mountains.

Me: Oh really? I grew up in Las Vegas, so it was flat and dry. Exact opposite.

Elizabeth Tucker: You grew up in Vegas? Do you know all the casino's secrets then? Haha

Me: I am actually banned from every casino in Vegas.

Elizabeth Tucker: How on earth did you get banned from EVERY casino in Vegas? Isn't there like 100 there?

Me: 175 just in the metropolis area actually, but it was accidental card counting.

Elizabeth Tucker: Accidental? I thought card counting was really hard plus illegal.

Me: Not hard, I can teach you sometime. Also not illegal, just frowned upon, could get you kicked out.

Elizabeth Tucker: You amaze me Spencer.

I reread that message over and over again, feeling myself smile at my phone. It takes me quite a while to think of a response.

Elizabeth Tucker: I have to go to bed early, ya know, early morning. I will text you tomorrow?

Me: Yeah, sounds good :)

Elizabeth Tucker: Have a good night Spencer :)

Me: You too.

Immediately after I close my messages app, I open the tinder app, deleting my profile then deleting the app. If this doesn't work out, I will try again, but for now, I am good with what I got from it. 

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