Spencer Reid

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Garcia and I are in her office, trying to find anything we can on this woman Amanda 'something'son. We are having a hard time trying to find out who she is.

"Try women who used their cards in the area of the prison on the dates that Elizabeth visited Josh," I tell her. Even saying that she would visit him makes my body have a visceral reaction. I hear Garcia typing away on her computer and the computer flashes with no results. I pace behind her, trying to think. "Look up the coffee shop records and see if there were any women named Amanda with son in their last name," I snapped as I pointed at the screen.

"Three name," Garcia said with a little excitement in her voice. She pulls up the pictures of the three women and there is only one that fits the description. Morgan and Emily had gone back to the prison to see if there was anything they could have missed, so I had Garcia send Morgan the photo of the woman. I call them immediately afterwards.

"Reid, what's going on?" I hear him say.

"Can you show the picture I just sent you to the prison guard and see if that is who the woman was that visited Josh?" I quickly ask. Morgan just sighs, I hear him put me on speaker as Emily asks. I hear the guard say yes.

"What?" Morgan asks the guard. I hear him tapping on his phone. "This isn't the woman that was here?" The guard said no, it was definitely the first woman. I nod at Garcia to start digging up everything she could on this Amanda Foltson. She turns around and does just that.

"Reid, how did you know?" I hear Emily say. It sounds like they are walking.

"Because I'd like to think I know my girlfriend better than any of you," I say and hang out. I sit down next to Garcia as things pop up left and right about the strange woman. She has been the only one today who believed tooth and nail that Elizabeth didn't have anything to do with this. We pulled up Amanda's records and yesterday she pulled out the exact amount that was paid to the bondsman to release Josh. She really wanted to frame Elizabeth in doing this. We finally pull up the address she has listed.

"It's already on your phone," Garcia says to me. I stand up and walk to the door. I stop before I walk out and then around.

"Garcia, thank you," I say. I look closely at her and she has tears in her eyes.

"I knew you picked a good one," she said and I just smiled at her. I say thank you again and rush out of her room. I run to Hotch's office and come in without knocking.

"Amanda Foltson. The guard confirmed she is the woman that visited Josh in prison, I have her address," I say. He stands up and follows me out of the room. I go to Rossi's office next and tell him the same thing. He does the same and we walk out. We grab JJ and head out to the SUVs. I sit in the back and we start making our way over to Amanda's apartment. All I can do is think about Elizabeth, sitting in that room all by herself all day. I called her in at around 9 this morning, and it's already starting to get dark.

"Spence, we are sorry that this is happening," she said to me, and that kind of fires me up. I take a quick deep breath before speaking out again.

"This is only happening because I called her in here to protect her. Let's catch this guy and let her go," I say, looking out the window. I don't want to talk to anyone on my team about Elizabeth ever again. We eventually pull up to her apartment and get out of the SUVs. We walk in and stand outside her door for a split second before Hotch kicks the door in. Amanda jumps up off of her couch and looks at us. She sees we all have our guns out and are pointing it at her. She sees me and does a little smirk.

"Why are you here? You finally realized your little girlfriend isn't who she says she is?" She says, keeping eye contact with only me.

"Where is Josh?" I ask, my voice meaner than it has been in a long time. She just lets out a little chuckle.

"Elizabeth is already dead," she said. She doesn't know that Elizabeth is in our custody. I was going to keep it that way. JJ goes behind her and handcuffs her wrist together. We had already called for backup, so we push her out of her apartment and into one of the waiting police vehicles.

"Let's go to her apartment," Hotch says. I take a quick look around to see where we were.

"She lives around the corner," I say and start running towards Elizabeth's apartment. The three others follow behind me. Hotch must have texted Emily and Morgan, because they were pulling up in the SUVs when we get to the front door of the building. I am still leading the way up the three flights of stairs. Once we get to her apartment, Morgan tried opening the door but it was locked. He took a step back to kick in the door, but I just held my hand up to stop him. I grabbed my keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door without opening it. I am standing with my back against the door and nod as soon as I turn the handle and open it. We see Josh standing there, with a gun in his hand and a picture of me and Elizabeth in the other.

"She's pretty great huh, Spencer?" He says slowly and calmly. I move to the front of the group. "Watch out though, she is a heartless bitch with no future," he said, looking up at me. He has his gun pointed straight at my chest.

"Josh, put the gun down!" Morgan yelled out.

"Does she still hate shoes being worn in the house?" Josh said. I don't do anything but glare at him. "She always hated shoes in the house," I want to kill him just for talking about her.

"Josh, listen to me, put the-" Morgan starts but Josh interrupts him.

"I want everyone out except you Spencer," he said, still not looking anywhere but in my eyes.

"You know we can't do that," I hear Hotch call out.

"Guys, it's okay," I say to my team. They all try to protest, but I just tell them to do it. I heard the team's footsteps and the front door closed.

"She is just perfect isn't she? Always accommodating for anyone who asks anything of her. She is just a blessing," he said, looking back down at the picture of the two of us. He just slams it on the ground. "I loved her! I still do! The fact that is with you makes me sick!"

"Josh, she moved on. If you love something, you have to let it go," I try to talk him down.

"That's bullshit," he said calmly before quickly putting the gun to his head. I hear the gun go off then a thud on the floor.

"No!" I say as I run up to him laying there. The door busts wide and my team is running in to make sure I'm okay. I am looking down at Josh on the floor when I hear crying. Hailey. I quickly rush down the hallway and knock on the door. "Hailey, it's Spencer." As soon as I said that, the door unlocked and swung open and Hailey wrapped her arms around me.

"Spencer. Where is Elizabeth? He said he was going to kill her. Did he kill my best friend?" She asks, crying into my chest. My hand goes up to her head and I rub my thumb back and forth.

"No. She's safe at the FBI headquarters. Don't worry. I would have never let him do that to her," I mumble into her hair. I put my chin on the top of her head and looked at my team, watching me. I feel a tear run down my cheek as Hailey just keeps crying into my chest. 

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