Spencer Reid

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The team and I work through the night to find this girl. Turns out, she is the fourth girl to be kidnapped by this unsub. We found out his name, Eric Hamm and where he was hiding her. He was taking his victims to an abandoned warehouse that is in his dead wife's name. We all rush over there at around 4 and quietly go through the warehouse, not wanting to raise any suspicion that we were there to look for him.

"Spencer, you go left and I'll go right," Morgan gave direction and I followed his orders. I went the left route, making sure I was as quiet as possible. Then all of a sudden I get hit with someone and things go dark.

I wake up and I am tied back to back with the girl. She is holding onto my hands, trying to wake me up.

"Jane?" I ask in a low voice. I can feel her shaking against my back. "My name is Spencer." I tell her to try to ease her.

"Spencer, are we going to get out of here?" She whispers back to me.

"My team is here and we are looking for you right now, but you have to stay quiet. We don't know where Eric Hamm is right now, but we are locating him."

"Spencer, I don't want to die," she said with a break in her voice. I reassured her that wasn't going to happen, but quiet down then Eric walked in.

"FBI huh? Didn't train you too well huh?" Eric said, crouching down right in front of me.

"My team.." I start before Eric hits me with the barrel of his gun.

"Shut up. Your team isn't going to do anything. They aren't going to catch me. Not until you two are dead," he yells as he hits me again. That is when I hear the door being kicked in. Hotch and Morgan apprehend Eric while Emily unties me and the girl. She helps her up while Morgan comes over and helps me up.

"Reid, you're bleeding pretty bad, let's get you stitched up," Morgan says.

"I'm fine, worry about her first," I say as I look over to the girl. She looks so much like Elizabeth, I couldn't help but he worried about her even more than I usually would be. Morgan continues helping me out of the warehouse. I sat on the back step of the ambulance as the paramedic put two stitches in my forehead.

"I'm sorry for splitting up like that. If I knew..." Morgan starts, but I just put my hand up to stop him.

"I am really okay Morgan. I am sorry if I scared you. I know you really care about me," I say, not really talking about the current situation.

"Of course I do. Now let's get back to the BAU, it has been a long night," Morgan says as he helps me stand up.

We make it back to headquarters and as soon as we walk in, Garcia comes up to hug me.

"Derek told me what happened to you. I am so glad you're okay," she said with a smile on her face. She looks at the stitches on my forehead and makes sure they look okay. She looks around to make sure we are alone. "Come to my office before you leave." I go into the bullpen to grab my stuff, making sure everyone on the team knows I am okay. I pick up my bag and start heading out, making a quick turn down the hall towards Garcia's office. I get there and knock on the door. "Come in. How was your date?"

"It was great. She is such a sweet person," I say to her, not going too much into too much detail.

"So nothing like..." she struggles to say it, so I do it for her.

"Josh Demonte? Probably the exact opposite."

"Good," she said as she moved some hair out of my face. "Did you kiss her?" She asks, wiggling her eyebrows. I don't say anything, just smile. She laughs a little bit. "Good boy. Now go home and get some rest."

When I left the building, I looked at the time and saw it was close to 7, so as I got into my car, I pulled out my phone. I see Elizabeth hasn't texted me yet. I still decided to give her a call. 

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