Elizabeth Tucker

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It has been a couple of hours since I heard from Spencer. I know I shouldn't be this hung up on this guy I just matched with on a dating app, but I can't help it, he is just so cute. After we got home from work, Hailey went to her room to take her nap and I went to mine. I pull my laptop off my desk and sit on my bed. I opened my laptop as I sat criss crossed on my bed.. I opened Google to do some research of my own. I looked up Spencer FBI and found articles upon articles he has either been mentioned in or he wrote. I look through the first couple before I find one written about his life.

"Spencer Reid, born in Las Vegas to Diana and William Reid, he's a doctor?" I make little mental notes as I read through the article. "Damn, he has multiple doctorates?" I try to do the math in my head to figure out how he was able to do that in his 30 years of life. I just ended up closing my laptop, realizing I shouldn't be snooping on a guy this hard that I haven't met in person. I sit with myself for a second before grabbing my tv remote off my bed stand. I turn on the tv for some background noise as I open up my phone. I am mindlessly scrolling when I get a new message.

Unknown number: Hey. I am sorry I didn't text sooner, something in the case came up

Me: I am assuming this is Spencer?

Unknown Number: Yes it is. Sorry.

Me: It's okay. How was the plane ride?

Spencer FBI: I take so many flights, they all just kind of blend together.

Me: Oh, so nothing too exciting happened?

Spencer FBI: No. Just your run of the mill plane ride. How was work?

Me: Pretty busy actually. Weird for a Thursday.

Spencer FBI: Well busy days are good.

Me: Yeah, it makes them go by faster. How is work going for you? Where did y'all end up going?

Spencer FBI: We are in Salem, Oregon. Pretty much just flew today. We have a little downtime until we get to the police station.

Me: Oregon, that is three hours behind? So it is 11 o'clock there? Does all the traveling mess with your sleep schedule?

Spencer FBI: If we are in a place for long enough, it does a little bit, three hours really isn't anything. We don't sleep much with an active case anyway.

Me: Oh wow. Do you bounce from case to case usually?

Spencer FBI: A lot of times we are always working on something.

Spencer FBI: Sorry, I have to text you later, we are pulling up now.

Me: Okay. Talk later? :)

Spencer: Yeah :)

I put my phone down as there's not really anything on there that I was looking at. I watch the TV until eventually fall asleep, taking a nap that I usually never take. 

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