Spencer Reid

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It has been around three months since I started seeing Elizabeth. It has been amazing. After the day of the kidnapping case, we spent all of our free time together. She would spend the night on the weekend and I would spend the night during the week when I wasn't working or out of town. Today is no different. It's Saturday as are just sitting on her couch. I have her feet in my lap and my hands are on her shins. I have been out of town all week, so she is catching me up on what happened. She is currently talking about a guy who came in everyday with a different girl. Sounds like she is talking about Derek.

"No, then yesterday, the same guy came in with his arm around the girl from Tuesday. I feel bad for the girls, but I don't know if I should say anything to them," I notice she talks with her hands a lot, so I watch her hands move back and forth. "Tell me, why do men do this?" I just laugh.

"You want me to tell you why this one guy has multiple girlfriends?"

"No, why men are gross." I just laugh. "What? Do you not know? I thought you knew everything?" She teased. I just throw her feet off of me, quickly leaning over and lightly tackling her. I mess around with her for a second before my phone starts ringing. I am hovering over here, so I just stop for a second. She reaches into my pocket and grabs my phone out, answering it on speaker.

"Reid," I say.

"Sorry, but conference room ASAP." I hear JJ's voice ring out. I agree and Elizabeth hangs up my phone.

"I'm sorry," I said as I leaned in closer to her face. She picked her head up a little and gave me a kiss.

"It's okay. Go save someone's life," she said as she pushed me up. I get off the couch and walk to her front door, grabbing my stuff along the way. She is following me and leans against the wall by her front door. I lean down and put on my shoes.

"I'll call you later," I say as I wrap my arm around her waist. I give her a hug and kiss the top of her head. "I will see you soon," I mumble into her head without letting her go. She taps my back and I finally let go. I open her front door and close it behind me. I go down to my car and drive to the BAU. As soon as I get there, I go straight to the conference room and see a picture of Josh Demonte on the board. I sit down and continue looking at the board. I eventually see the picture of Josh and Elizabeth's engagement announcement.

"Reid," I hear Hotch say. "You okay?" I haven't told my team besides Garcia that Elizabeth and I started dating.

"What is happening?" I ask, snapping back to reality.

"There was a prostitute that was murdered last night that was exactly the same as Josh Demonte's. Including a signature post mortem deep thigh gash, a detail not released to the public," Hotch updates me. I look over at Garcia and it looks like she is about to cry. I have been keeping her up to date about everything that has to do with Elizabeth.

"Is there something else Reid?" Morgan says. I haven't talked to him about Elizabeth ever since we matched on that app, but the way he just talked to me made him seem a little suspicious.

"He is in jail," I said as more of a question than a statement. "We did check he was still there right?" Everyone just looks at each other.

"He got bail last night," Garcia said with a crack in her voice. "Spencer, he also left a note." Garcia slides a piece of paper towards me in an evidence bag. All it says is 'she's next'. I quickly stand up and grab my phone off the table.

"Where are you going?" Morgan called out after I started walking out.

"I have to make a call," I said, pressing Elizabeth's contact and pressing the call button. I push the phone to my ear. Morgan walks up to me and hits my arm.

"What is going on?" He asks. I just put my hand up when I hear Elizabeth's voice over the phone.

"Hey Spencer. What's up?" She asks. She sounds so innocent. I still haven't told her that I know who she is and who her ex fiancé is and she didn't tell me. I am about to tell her that her life is about to turn upside down—again.

"You need to get here," I say. I know my voice sounds like a panic.

"What? Where?" I hear her shuffling around.

"Here. The headquarters."

"Why?" I hear her pick up her keys.

"I'll tell you when you get here," I say. She agrees and hangs up the phone. I look up at Morgan and I feel my eyes start to get watery. He figures out why I freaked out a little.

"You kept talking to her," he noted. I just nod my head and look down. Then he hugs me. He doesn't hug me very often, but I know when he does, he really feels for me. He lets go and keeps his arm around my shoulder as he walks me back into the conference room.

"Spencer. What is happening?" Emily asks as I sit down.

"This girl is Elizabeth Tucker. She used to be Josh Demonte's fiancé. When they brought in Josh, she was still at the police station. When he saw her, he started yelling about how his fiancé betrayed him," Morgan updated everyone at the table. We continued talking about Elizabeth and Josh before I felt like I needed to say something.

"Two months ago, we started dating," I blurted out to the table. Everyone just looks at me.

"Spencer, we had no idea. Why would you hide this from us? Emily says to me.

"I wanted to keep it that way. I love you guys, but I wanted something for myself," I tell the team as somebody knocks on the door.

"Elizabeth Tucker is here. She said Dr Reid called her in?" One of the other officers said. I stood up and walked out to the bullpen, seeing her sitting at my desk looking around. I quickly walk down to her and she stands up as she sees me.

"Spencer, what is-" I interrupted her with a hug.

"I'm glad you're here," I mumble into her head and give her a kiss. She pulls away from me looking more confused than before.

"Spencer. Why am I here?" She asks. She looks around and sees my team standing there looking at the two of us.

"He's back," I tell her and I see in her eyes, she knows who I am talking about. 

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