Elizabeth Tucker

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I squeal and kick my legs when Spencer texted and asked me out on a date. I didn't know what to say or how excited to act over it. It made me feel like a teenager, nervous around her crush. I hear Hailey and the boy talking in her room, so I quickly get up and run to her bedroom door, knocking this time.

"Come in," she called out. I open her door, but only pop my head in.

"Guess what," I said. She is sitting on her bed while the guy is looking around her room.

"Dr. FBI asked me out," I told her. She did the same squeal I did and she shook her hands towards her, telling me to show her. I rush in and show her my phone.

"Dr. FBI?" The guy asked, looking between me and Hailey. We both pop our heads up at the same time.

"Yeah, he is a doctor and he works for the FBI. It's right there in the name," I told him as I looked back down at my phone to reread the message.

"Way to play it cool," she said as she read my response. We look over the messages, gushing over the smallest things. The boy is still just looking around Hailey's room.

"Are you guys hungry? I need something to eat," the boy said, not looking at us. We both just look at each other and I nudge her a little too hard. When we didn't answer right away, the boy looked back at us. "I'll buy." That is when we both hop off of her bed.

"Let's go," Hailey said. The guy grabbed his stuff off of her dresser and shoved them into his pockets. He walks over before us when Hailey whispers in my ear. "I need you to ask his name." I just look over at her and shake my head in disappointment.

"Hey, I'm Elizabeth Tucker by the way," I pipe up, he turns his head back towards us and nods.

"Peter," he said as he kept walking. Hailey just smiled at him, then looked over to me. I reached over and grabbed my keys off the kitchen counter and followed the two out. I turned around and locked the door.

We ended up all going to a little diner around the corner from our apartment and talked about our lives. Like how long Hailey and I have known each other, lived together, worked together. I ask what Peter was working on construction wise. It was a pretty normal lunch. After lunch, we just headed back to our apartment. As soon as we get inside, I look at the time and realize we sat at the diner for far too long.

"Oh my god. I have to get ready!" 

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