Elizabeth Tucker

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I look at the two men as they show me all of the things with my name on it. Things I would never do. I would never spend the thousands of dollars to post bail for my ex fiancé. I would never visit him in jail. I don't know how they got these things or why they said I did them.

"I didn't do any of this," I say, tasting my tears as they rolled down my cheeks. I see a tear fall onto the paperwork for the bond. They just take them away and walk out the door. I know I look like a disaster right now. I left my house right after Spencer called me. I didn't change, so I am still in sweats and a t-shirt and my hair is in a messy bun. I hope Spencer doesn't believe all of this. He knows I would never do anything like this.

"Why is he trying to ruin my life again?" I mutter to myself. All I can do is look at the mirror right in front of me and stare. I try to think if I have ever done anything that might resemble the things they are accusing me of, but ever since I started talking to Spencer, I have not once thought about Josh. Why would I want him out of prison? So he could kill me?

I remember back to the morning he was arrested. I was still processing everything that 'Hotch' showed me when I heard Josh yelling. I stand up and walk to the doorway, seeing him bloody and beat up. He is yelling until he sees me.

"You! You bitch. We are engaged! Does that mean nothing to you?" He yelled at me from across the room. They just dragged him away. That is when I hear, "I am going to kill you. I don't care how but I am going to gut that bitch!" I started crying again as the memory played in my head over and over again. I put my hands up as far as the handcuffs would let me and I wiped my tears. I think back to the last few days and try to remember what I did, who I was with. That is when the paper popped into my head. It said his bail was posted yesterday. I was at work yesterday then Spencer came to the coffee shop and walked me home, then we were together the rest of the day until he left for work this morning.

"I didn't post the bail! I didn't do it! I was at work all day then Dr. Reid came in and walked me home. I would not have time to post the bail!" I yelled out to the empty room. I waited for about a minute before I yelled it out again. I was halfway through saying it the second time when the door opened. This time, it was just the one man who I didn't know. It was the one that had brought Josh into the police station. I think Reid said his name was Morgan.

"Don't mention Reid," Morgan stated.

"Please. Why would I post bond for that disgusting man? He threatened to kill me when you arrested him. This doesn't make any sense. Spencer said..." I start to say something else when he interrupts me.

"I just said do not mention Reid," he said a little more calloused this time. I just sit and stare at him, my eyes filled with tears. "Now, shut up and sit here until we come back," he said, standing up. He opened the door and that is when Spencer rushed into the room.

"Elizabeth. I know you didn't do this, but do you know anyone who would want to set you up?" Spencer said as he sat down across from me.

"Reid, get out of here," Morgan said. Spencer just looked at me.

"Think. It would be a woman who could pull you off if someone doesn't know you. You would have seen here in either the coffee shop or anywhere else during your normal routine," he is staring me straight in the eyes. I try to think, but I can't. Then, a woman pops into my mind.

"Shortly after Josh got arrested, a woman started coming into the shop. Hailey mentioned we kind of looked alike, but I didn't really see it. She would only come in once a week, but I feel like I would see her everywhere. I thought it was just because she moved in close by. One day like four months ago, she was walking past me on the street and she went out of her way to push into me. She called me a 'traitor bitch' and walked off," I rambled quickly.

"Did you ever get her name?" He asks, his eyes softening a touch.

"I think the name on her card was Amanda something," I close my eyes to try to remember. "It has a s-o-n on the end. I can't think of the name though," I opened my eyes as Spencer stood up. He walked around the table over to me, grabbing my face and kissing me on the forehead.

"Okay," he said as he walked out of the room. Just like that, I was all alone again. My breathing is calming down from the spurt of people who came into the room. I lean down to my hands and start biting my nails, a bad habit I have when I am stressed. I sat there for what seemed like hours before a brunette woman walked in. She didn't have anything in her hands, but her presence was much calmer than what I have been experiencing all morning.

"Elizabeth, my name is Emily, I work with Spencer," she says, her voice sounding like an ocean breeze compared to everyone else that has talked to me since I have been handcuffed to this table. I just nod my head towards her. "Can you tell me about your relationship with Josh Demonte? How did you guys meet?" I just take a deep breath as I think back to years ago when we first met.

"I was 19, he was 22. I was in class at the local community college. It was the third day of that class when he walked in and sat down right next to me. He automatically laid his head down and closed his eyes. I thought it was weird. After class, he sat up and looked over at me. Then he asked if I could text him my notes I took for the class," I remember I just thought he was too lazy to do anything and hoped other people would do it for him.

"Okay. Tell me about the day he got arrested. Any detail isn't too small," Emily said, still having a calm voice. She relaxes me a little bit.

"I was at work when two police officers came in. There are a lot of police officers that come into the coffee shop, so I thought they were there for coffee. They just asked if I could come with them to the police station. I walked out with them, but they pushed me into the back of the car. They brought me into the station and into a room that looked like this one," I said, looking around. "That man who put me into handcuffs today came into the room and treated me similarly to how he is treating me today. He yelled at me over and over as he showed me pictures of the first 18 women. Then he asked for my permission for the FBI to go through my apartment. I agreed to just make it stop," I feel another tear roll down my cheek as I remember the day.

"Good. Now fast forward to when they brought in Josh."

"I was still in the room trying to piece it together when I heard Josh yelling. I knew his voice, so I shot up and walked to the doorway. That is when he saw me. He started yelling about how I betrayed him and how he was going to kill me," I say as I look into the eyes of the woman.

"Did you ever see him after that day?" I just shook my head at her question. "How long ago did you meet Spencer?" She changed the subject. My breath hitched at the mention of his name.

"About three months ago. We met online. We started dating almost instantly after meeting," I told her. I wanted to smile, but I feel like it would have been inappropriate in this instance.

"Did you tell Reid about Josh?" I shook my head again. "Why not?" Her voice is serious, but still calm.

"I was going to tell him, I swear, but you know, it's not exactly something you tell someone you're trying to date," I bite the inside of my check as she just nods. She said she would be back and stood up, leaving me alone once again. I look down at my hands. I move the handcuffs a little and see my wrists are red and irritated and bruises are starting to form. I am significantly more calm than I was before. I start picking at the skin next to my nails as I am just left there alone to think. 

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