Spencer Reid

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She is so beautiful. She is smart. She wants to learn about all my little quirks and lets me ramble on and on. I am more nervous now than before the date. We walk to her apartment building and she uses her key to unlock the door to the building.

"It's a little bit of a climb, I'm sorry," she said as she opened the door. I reach forward and hold the door open for her from behind her. I let it fall shut behind me and we made our way over to the stairs. We get to the third floor and she stops in front of a door. She unlocks that one and opens the door for me. I walk in and it is a pretty girly apartment. I take off my shoes and note everything about the place. Candles everywhere, a big pile of blankets on the couch, the cleanest I probably have ever seen an apartment. I walk in even further and take a look around at all the pictures.

"I don't have any coffee, but I have water, wine, milk, orange juice," I hear her say from the kitchen, a little muffled as if she had her head in her fridge.

"I'm okay for now. Thank you though," I say as I take in my surroundings. I feel Elizabeth's presence as she enters the living room. "What is your roommate's name?"

"Hailey. We work together at the coffee shop," she explains as she stands next to me, looking at the pictures with her arms crossed. We continue to look at the pictures together until I find one of her in a volleyball uniform.

"You still play?" I ask as I pick the picture up from its spot. She peeps over my shoulder, putting her chin on it to look at the picture in my hands. I feel her shake her head.

"No. I haven't played since high school," she explained. I nod my head and put the picture back. She keeps her chin on my shoulder as we continue to look at the pictures. I hear her clear her throat and take her chin off my shoulder. "Did you play any sports in high school?"

"If you count running away from bullies and being the school's punching bag, then yeah. I did," I said. I looked back at her, but her eyes were just full of concern for me. I just give her a little smile. "I was a 12 year old prodigy in a Las Vegas public school. It was expected."

"You poor thing," she said, giving me sad puppy dog eyes.

"It's really okay. I don't get beat up nearly as much now," I joke with her.

"You get beat up now? By like, your coworkers?"

"No. Well there was one time my boss kicked me in the gut a few times, but other than that, it's mostly the unsubs," I say as I sit next to her on her couch. Her eyes change from concern to amazement.

"There is much to know about you Spencer," she said, her eyes bouncing from left to right, looking at each one of mine. I do the same, but I feel mine fall down to her lips. I lean in a little bit and she does the same. We are about an inch apart before my phone rings. I just groan a little and pull back.

"Sorry, I have to take this," I say as I pull my phone out of my pocket. She nods in understanding and I put the phone to my ear.

"We are meeting in the conference room ASAP," I hear Hotch's voice ring out over the other line. I say okay to him and hang up. I look forward to Elizabeth.

"I'm sorry, I have to go. That was work," I say and shallow a lump in my throat.

"Do you want a ride back to your car?" She asked, standing up at the same time I do.

"I walked too," I told her. "Thank you though." She walks me to the front door.

"Stay safe. Text me or call me or whatever," she said, looking down at her feet. I slide on my shoes and turn towards the door. She reaches from behind me and unlocks the door. I turn around, quickly grabbing her face with my hands, pulling her in for a passionate kiss. We stand there for a second before I pull away.

"I'll call you after the meeting," I said, still holding her face. All she can do is nod her head. Her face is red and she is smiling up at me. I let go and she opened the door for me. I wave as I head to the stairs across the way from her apartment door.

"Bye," she says as she watches me. I hear the door close once I am out of her view.

I walk back home, grabbing my keys and driving to the BAU, replaying the date in my head over and over. I get there and I am the last one to get into the conference room. I mutter an apology as I sit down. I glance up at Garcia and she just smiles at me.

"It's a local kidnapping," JJ continues telling us about the case. After the briefing, Garcia pulls me aside.

"After the case, you want to talk?" She asks quietly. I nod at her and she puts her hand on my back. "I'm proud of you." 

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