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With the end near, you had never expected to be lucky enough. Lucky enough to wake from your slumber once more. Your eyes felt stuck together with glue. Even with this problem you held on strong, forcing your tightly shut eyes open. Open to find that horrid Angel, dead on the floor, a thick oozing blood leaking from his head. You sat up, weak and in pain, completely in shock. To your surprise, you were greeted by a very familiar voice,

"{Your Name}..."

"S-Sebastian..." You managed to choke out through the unbearable pain. 

"Shh... The pain will soon be over, my love... I'm so, so sorry for leaving you alone for so long. I just needed to find the right time to save you. I needed to be with you through this, even if just for a few moments. I love you, you're my one burning light of passion in the never ending dark abyss of my mind. I am so sorry for everything you've been put through since meeting me. If I knew I were going to fall in love with you as much as I have, I would of never, ever came to your home and offered you that job... And without you, I am absolutely nothing but a cold, heartless demon. And I do not wish to live as that demon any longer..." 

Tears swelled your swollen eyes as your lover sat beside you, wrapping his cool arms around you, placing a gentle but passionate kiss on your bruised, bloodstained lips. 

"I love you, Sebastian..." You whispered out which without your knowledge, would end up being the last words ever spoken from your mouth. You took a deep breath, followed by the sweet, damned liquid leaking from your mouth once more. You could hear your own horrid screams leaving your body, but had no control any longer. Your eyes were now glued open, you couldn't even close them and die of a peaceful, unnoticed death. The pain now took over, causing your body to convulse and shake. Your eyes were locked on your dear husband, now crying and holding onto your body. 

He then whispered out to you, "I'm not letting you die alone..."

With no way of stopping him, you were forced to sit back and witness as your beloved pulled a large razor from his coat pocket, pressing it hard against his bloodstained throat until his broken eyes rolled back, and his body collapsed beside yours. The two of you coughed and shook in pain, the only piece of normality left had been the bond you two had shared, even now as you both took your last breaths. 



The once pure white master bed of Angel's manner had now been smeared in the shade of death. A sweet, blissful silence stained the room. With no living vessel, the damned demon child had passed on, never to know the true, admirable love of his parents. Their lives only teaching that demon and human love is possible, though it has many agonizing consequences that no person, whether they may be demon or human, should never have to experience. With lives full of jealousy, admiration, lust, and love. This lesson would forever be known and taken advantage of.

 However, in the end, love conquered all


Author's Note: Honestly, thank you all, so so much for this experience. When I started writing this fan fiction I never would have imagined the amount of attention and interest it has received. Thank you all for sticking through to the end , writing this novel has been quite the experience and I want to thank you all for your views, votes, and each one of you who has added it to your reading lists. I literally started crying finishing this up. I have worked long, and hard on this even when I began to doubt myself and the storyline. 

I have plans in the making for another character x reader fan fiction for Black Butler, along with a regular Black Butler fan fiction. In the meantime, I would love for you to check out my Black Butler Lemon x Reader Compilation of short stories, with just as many reads and fans as Blood. 

If you would ever like to contact me, you can through the following:

Kik- Jessivonvanity

Instagram: Asylum.jpg

email: lightninglove69 at

tumblr: crona-blackbloodeddemonsword

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