The Sick Truth

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The triplets had all been circling a woman who appeared to be slightly older than you. She was quite beautiful with silvery purple hair and bright eyes. A large smile had been on her face until she spotted you. She kindly asked the triplets to leave as she approached you.

"So you're the new guest? Sebastian's fiancé?"

"Yes, and you're Ms. Hannah?"


"Claude told me you would be able to answer a few questions I have."

"I'm sure I will be able to, ask away..."

"Why does everyone here seem to despise Sebastian?"

"There are quite a few reasons followed be a very long story. Would you like to hear?"

"Of course, "

"Long, long ago a beautiful princess was falling for a local street rat. If her father were to ever find out they'd both be killed. A fool she was she ran off with her so called , 'love' far, far away from the castle. She, however had been tricked by her love. He got her pregnant. To make it worse he then stole all of her money and killed her. She signed a contract shortly after death with a demon who used her as well, the baby was brought back to the mortal world as a human and dropped at an orphanage, never to see his mother again. The demon tainted her soul and turned her into a demon as well to rot for eternity. The other man who was once her love? Oh he became a demon as well , forever hiding from her until now."

"T-That is an interesting story, but I don't see how it solves anything."

"The pretty little innocent princess? T'was me. And the mad street rat? Your dear Sebastian..."

"Oh dear... H-He really used you? That's too horrible..."

"I'm only telling you all this as a warning... Don't marry him or he may do the same to you. He has already proved he's strong enough to kill a demon..."

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