Explaining Everything...Moving In

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Upon returning to Lena's place she and Kara walked inside and went to the sofa and sat down on it. "I...I...Can't believe it..." Kara whimpered. "Shhh...it's ok darling. I'm here..." Lena whispered as she held onto the blonde. "I...I....really liked her..." Kara sighed against Lena's chest. "I know...It's ok..." Lena cooed softly. "Lee....I have to tell you something...and you'll probably hate me after I say it.." Kara stated. "What is it? And I could never hate you darling." Lena replied. Kara explained everything to Lena from the beginning to where they were now. Lena couldn't believe her ears, however she remained neutral faced throughout the whole explanation. "And now I've got to find a way to get them back home..." Kara added looking up at Lena. "Say something...anything...yell at me...scream...hit me...laugh..tell me you never want...." Kara's rambles were cut off by Lena's lips smashing against hers in very heated kiss.

When they pulled away both women were breathless and flushed. "Kar...I've got something to say to you..unless you've figured it out.." Lena whispered. "Uh..." Kara whispered. "I'm trying to tell you..you silly woman that I love you too." Lena stated. Kara blushed. "Oh..good." Kara replied with a smile. "So they really look like us?" Lena asked. "Yes! It's freaky as hell! Rao! When I rescued them I thought you had suddenly gained an Irish accent!" Kara stated as Lena threw her head back and laughed. "And this Katie...she loves Melissa?" Lena asked. "Yes! It's so obvious to everyone but them....which is what they said about you and I actually." Kara replied.

They remained silent for a long while both just enjoying being together. "What if we can't get them back?" Lena questioned. "Then I guess they'll live with me." Kara replied. "Hmm... are they from another Earth? Maybe we can use that portal thing of yours and send them back that way." Lena stated. "Is that your way of saying you don't want our clones to live with me?" Kara asked teasingly. "Exactly what I'm saying...in fact I think I'd like it better if you didn't live with you." Lena replied. "Lee..that doesn't make sense...." Kara stated. "For a reporter you really are dim sometimes." Lena teased. "I'm saying you are gonna live with me..if you want..." Lena explained. "Of course Lee!" Kara squealed. "Now what are we gonna tell everyone?" Kara asked. "That we're in a relationship and obviously living together now, and that all future game nights and girl's nights will happen here." Lena added with a smile.

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