Alex's Broken Heart..Sam..Sweeps Things Up

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After retuning to their Earth everyone settled down on the sofa. Everyone except Maggie. She quickly grabbed her things and left the penthouse. Alex stayed beside Sam's side as Lena and Kara began getting drinks for them. "I can't believe Maggie." Kara whispered. "Me either Kar...but Sam's doing a good job keeping her company." Lena replied. Sure enough Sam had her arms around Alex as she cried in her arms. Lena and Kara stayed in the kitchen for a while until Sam poked her head in. "I'm gonna get Alex home. I'll call you guys tomorrow." Sam whispered as she walked Alex out of the penthouse. "Today was fun. Minus the part where Maggie broke Alex's heart." Lena stated as they sat on the sofa together. They sat together and watched a movie before going to bed themselves.

Meanwhile in Alex's now empty apartment Sam was still holding the redhead close as they watched a movie. "Her stuffs gone." Alex whispered. "I know...I know... she didn't deserve you Alex." Sam whispered as she rubbed her back. Alex remained silent as they sat there letting the movie play on. "Come on Alex...I'm gonna get you to bed." Sam stated as she sat up pulling Alex with her. Sam left the room as Alex changed giving her some space. "You can come in now Sam I'm fully clothed." Alex grumbled. Sam walked in and covered her up with her blankets. "I'm gonna..." Sam began. "Stay...please...there's spare pajamas in the closet." Alex added.

Sam nodded and grab a set before going to the bathroom and changing. When she came back Alex was lying in bed awake. "Thanks Sam..." Alex whispered as Sam got into bed beside her. "What are friend for? Come on...let's get some sleep Alex." Sam whispered as she pulled her into her arms as sleep took over them.

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