Supercorp and Company...Watch Supergirl...

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After a really nice dinner everyone returned to Katie and Melissa's place for the night. "Let's watch Supergirl!" Chyler stated as everyone gathered on the sofa. "Yes! But one with everyone in it though!" Odette stated. A few minutes later they found one with everyone in it. The real lifers were in awe of their doppelgängers playing them on this television show. "'s obvious that our characters are into each other." Kara whispered. "Isn't it though... I mean...look at them..." Lena replied. "Oh god! My doppelgänger is so much like me!" Maggie cringed as she watched the fight between Floriana and Chyler over how she didn't want children.

"Wait! You don't want kids?" Alex asked. Maggie didn't respond. "We're talking about this later." Alex grumbled. A few shows later everyone was tired and ready to part ways. "Well...we'd stay longer but Alex and Maggie have a lot to talk about." Kara stated. "We understand. Chyler and I are gonna head out! It was nice to meet our doppelgängers!" Odette stated as they hugged everyone. "You and Chyler?" Lena asked. "Yea...real life Sam and Alex...been together for a while now." Odette replied with a smile as they left.

Alex waited for Kara to push her portal watch so she could go home. She wasn't mad about the episodes they watched. No she found them entertaining. What she was mad about is how Maggie agreed with the character portraying of her. The fact that her doppelgänger was happy with someone and now Maggie was gonna tell her she didn't want kids. Sam watched Alex as she walked away with hurt in her eyes. " ok?" Sam asked softly. " doesn't want kids. My doppelgänger and your doppelgänger are both over the moon with happiness. I'm never gonna have what they have." Alex stated.

Sam wrapped Alex in hug as the redhead hid her head in her shoulder. "Hey's gonna be'll find someone. Maybe it's already someone you already know who's meant for you Alex. Like Kara and Lena. You'll find happiness." Sam whispered.  "Ok guys! Let's grab hands! It's time to head back to National City!" Lena stated. Once again everyone grabbed hands and walked through the portal.

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