What do you think of them?....

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One month later:

Back in the real world Katie was on the phone with Chyler talking about their doppelgängers. "They're real!" Chyler said still in shock. "I know! But they're lovely aren't they? They're just like the characters. Even Maggie is the same rudeness that Floriana used when she portrayed the character. Although...I do feel bad for real life Alex...that was a low blow...I hope she'll be alright." Katie replied. "Oh I'm sure she will be real life Kara and I exchanged numbers apparently real life Sam has been keeping Alex company...if you know what I mean!" Chyler replied a smirk.

On the other side of the sofa Melissa has been texting real life Kara so they can plan another get together, this time in National City with exception of a few people.

M- "Maybe we can all get together at real life Eliza's house? Have a bbq or something?"

K- "That sounds like a good idea...maybe next summer or something. Give Alex sometime to work things out with Sam. They're actually on a date tonight...who knew all they needed was Maggie to be honest for them to talk about their hidden feelings."

M- "That's great! I'm happy for them. How are you and Lena doing? Anything on that front? You know...I call dibs on being my other universe's twins maid of honor!...no matter what Alex says..."

K- "Hahaha! Good luck with convincing Al that! You may have a fight on your hands Mel!"

M- "I happen to be 'supergirl'...I think I can take her! Hahahahahaha! But seriously..I at least want an invite!"

K- "of course you'll be invite Mel! You'll get the first one...well you and Katie. But...I want to be the first one to get an invite to your wedding!"

M- "that is a deal! I'll talk to you later...Katie and I have dinner plans....but keep me updated on Sanvers (Sam/Danvers..)

M- "will do! Have fun twin!"

With that they stopped texting and Melisa went off with Katie to their dinner date while Kara made preparations for their first girls night without Maggie.

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