Girls Night...

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Four women sat on two sofas eating pizza and watching a movie on the television when Kara's phone began going off. "It's the guys from the other Earth." She said as she  answered the video chat. "Hey guys! Are we interrupting girls night?" Katie asked. "No! Your not! Are you two wanting to join us?" Alex asked. "Can we?" Melissa replied. "Of course! Come on through!" Kara replied. Suddenly there was a portal in the living room again and out stepped Melissa, Chyler, Odette and Melissa!  "Doppelgängers!" Sam exclaimed as she hugged Odette! "Awe I told you Sanvers was a thing!" Chyler stated. "Sanvers?" Alex asked. "It's short for 'Sam and Danvers!' It's your ship nickname!" Melissa replied. Sam and Alex burst out laughing.

Once everyone settled down they ordered more food and found another movie to watch. "I love potstickers!" Melissa and Kara exclaimed at the same time! Everyone else laughed at them and continued watching the movie. "Sooo? Shall we make a bet on which doppelgängers get engaged first?" Sam asked looking between Melissa and Katie and Kara and Lena. "I'm in! I say twenty bucks it's Melissa and Katie!" Alex stated. "You bet against your own sister?" Lena asked scoffing at Alex. "Yes! You two will drag your feet!" Alex groaned.

"Twenty bucks on Kara and Lena doing it first!" Sam stated. "Sam! You're my new favorite person!" Kara stated. "We'll count me in too! Twenty bucks on Kara and Lena!" Chyler states slapping a twenty dollar bill down. "Chyler! You're my favorite sister!" Kara said sticking her tongue out at Alex who rolled her eyes at her. "I got twenty on Melissa and Katie." Odette said as she put her money down. "There it's settled! We all made our bets! So ladies don't disappoint us." Sam stated smiling at everyone.

Lena remained silent for the rest of the night. Her mind was on something else, something she was planning on doing later that week in fact. She was gonna purpose to Kara on their little weekend getaway to the mountains. She had the ring for a few days now an was waiting for the right time...and now with this bet she knew she had to act.

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