Chapter 1

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*8 years later*

Jonah had moved out and gone to LA to live with his best friends Abby and Karleigh and to pursue his baseball career. Today is Jack's birthday, he is 13. He just got home from his boyfriends, they had thrown him a party because this was the third year that Jonah and his dad's had forgotten his birthday. Jack was sitting on his bed when his dad's came into his room. "We are going out to dinner,"

"I will stay here," Jack said as he pulled down his sleeves so his dads couldn't see his scars and cuts.

"Do you want anything?"

"No," they sighed and left his room. Jack watched them leave from his window and then snuck out. He needed his pills. He walked to the alleyway, and a guy was standing there.



"Money?" Jack handed the guy the money and he was given a bag of diet pills.

"Thank you," Jack said as he left and took one of the pills. Jack slowly walked home. His phone began to ring in his hand. He looked at it and it was his dad calling, Jack declined the call. He kept getting calls until he finally answered one.

J: What?

C: Get your ass home now.

Jack hung up the call and walked around town for an hour knowing they would just give up. Jack eventually climbed in his window. Corbyn is going through his stuff and Daniel is on his bed.


"Get out of my stuff," Jack yelled at his dad as Jonah walked in. They had left to surprise Jack for his birthday and brought Jonah home.

"Jack, sit we need to talk," Jack sat on the bed listening to his dad.

Jack's POV

I sat down next to Daddy. "What is this?" Dad said as he opened my bathroom door and took my razor out of his pocket.

"Fuck," I forgot to clean up my mess. "Sorry, I forgot to clean it up,"

"Jack, what is going on?" I just started to cry and Daddy pulled me onto his lap and hugged me. He was always the more comforting out of the two of them.

"I am fine,"

"Do you cut yourself?"

"No, please just leave me alone like you guys always do. Just forgot about me," I said as I got off of Daddy's lap but was held in place. I started to hyperventilate. "Stop, no," I had a flashback of my father touching me. "Please stop,"

"You are fine,"

"Please let go," I said as my vision started to blur and my breathing picked up. Daddy let me go and I got up and sat on the ground in a ball.

"Shh, you are okay," Jonah cooed as he picked me up and rubbed my back. "Do you hurt yourself?" I nodded as I cried into his shoulder. "Can we see them?" I shook my head not wanting them to see me naked. "Are they on your legs?" I nodded as he went into Dad's room and into their bathroom Dad's followed us.

"NO," I screamed as Dad went to flush my razor. "That is mine, I need it,"

"No, you don't," I hit Jonah trying to get him to put me down, and tried to get at Dad.

"NOO," I screamed as Dad flushed my razor and I broke down crying. "No,"

"You don't need them," Dad said as Daddy grabbed the first aid kit and Jonah sat me on the counter.

"Please, I need it,"

"I am going to clean your cuts,"

"No," I said before Daddy could even finish his sentence. "Don't touch me,"

"Can Jo clean them?"

"NO, please, don't touch me," I screamed as Jonah grabbed my hand. I kicked Jonah in the balls and ran into my room. I shut and locked the door, I went into my bathroom and grabbed my other razor. I smiled when I ran it down the side of my neck. I was finally going to die.

3rd Person POV

"Jack," Was the last thing Jack heard before he blacked out. "Call 911," Jonah yelled to Daniel as he grabbed a towel and put pressure on Jack's cut. Corbyn helped JOnah and did the other side. The ambulance got there in 6 minutes and rushed Jack to the hospital. 

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