Chapter 3

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Jack's POV

I woke up entangled in my daddy's arms wait why is he sleeping with me? "Daddy,"

"You remember," Daddy cheered as he hugged me and I looked at him confused. "You tried to hurt yourself and went to the hospital and they said you were basically dead. You came back before we could put you on life support but you didn't remember us,"

"Why did I try to kill myself?"

"I have no idea, but it will come back in time,"

"Can I have my phone?" Daddy reached to my bedside table and grabbed my phone and gave it to me. I opened Wattpad and smiled I had 250 followers and just hit 40K reads on one of my books.

''What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just reading," I didn't want him to know that I wrote books about the 4 of us dating. Dad grabbed his phone and began to type away. 

"You are writing something," He said out of nowhere, I was writing my next chapter which was smut. "Do you want it to be true?" Daddy said as he trailed his hand down my body and into my boxers. He gripped my already hard cock, my chest rising and falling.

"Please," I begged as he began to stroke me.

"A show," Jonah said from the door with Dad.

"Stop, please," All of the sudden all I could see was Sam.

"Shh you're okay," Jo said  coming over to me when Daddy stopped. "He stopped, you are okay," Jo sat next to Daddy and pulled me into a hug, he whispered sweet nothing until I calmed down.

"You are going to stay with me for a couple of days,"


"He remembered,"

"Wait really!"

"Well, not everything but me at least,"

"Happy late Birthday sorry I didn't say it before but things got crazy,"

"You remembered,

"How could I forget?"

"You guys forgot my last three,"

"No, I got you the monkey last year," Jo said pointing to the gaint monkey that I always sleep with. "Your switch the year before,"

"Jason lied to me, he said he got those for me,"

"I had Dad's put them on your bed,"

"Who is Jason?"

"My ex boyfriend now,"

"You are gay,"


"And you didn't think to tell your gay dads's,"

"Well everyone is day in this house for the most part so if I was straight I would have came out then,"

"That is true," Daddy chuckled.

"I also just let  you jack me off so obviously I am gay,"

"Okay, go shower and I will pack for you,"

"Thank you," I took a shower well Jo packed for me and then we ate breakfast. We left right after breakfast, stopping to get gas.

"Go get some food," Jo said as he paid for the gas, Jo and I went inside and I walked around looking for something.

Jonah's POV

I was waiting at the check out for Jack when I heard my name. I turned around and a lady was standing there. "Is it you, Jo?"

"Who are you?"

"It me, Mom,"

"Mom, wait how?"

"I never died, Sam and I made a deal, and when you told, they arrested him and found me,"

"I am so sorry, I should've said something sooner," I said as Jack walked up to me empty-handed. "What did you get?"

"Nothing, not hungry,"

"Go get something, Jack," Jack left.

"I can't believe how much he has grown up, I have been watching you guys on social media,"

"He is struggling, he just got out of the hospital. He tried to kill himself so he is going to stay with me for a bit," I said as Jack came back with a sandwich.

"I should get going, can I have your number?" I gave her my number and she left and we paid.

Jack's POV

"Call, Corbyn," Jonah said as he handed me his phone and had Daddy pulled up.

"He is kinky," I giggled as I called Dad. "Are you guys dating?"

"Yes, we have been for about 8 and a half years,"

D: What's up?

J: Mom's not dead

Jo said as tears threatened to spill from his eyes.

D: Fuck, does Jack know?

J: Yes, he is right here.

D: Jack, buddy are you okay?

JA: I don't know

D: Are you okay Jo?

J: No but we will talk later, how are we going to tell Zach?

D: I can do it.

J: I will Facetime you guys tonight and tell him.

D: Okay, are you guys sure you are okay?

J: Yes, I will call you tonight.

D: Love you guys

J: Love you too

Jo hung up and looked at me, I didn't even realize I was crying. "Come here," Jo said as he pulled me onto his lap. "What 's up?"

"I am happy yet sad at the same time, happy she is alive but sad she didn't reach out,"

"I got her number so once we get to the house you can call her if you want to,"

"Let's go to the house then," We drove to Jo's apartment we unpacked my stuff and then went to taco bell because bitch he has no food. We got him, his roommates, and me some food. We went home and watch Annabelle and went to bed.

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