Chapter 12

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I woke up by myself for the first time in days. I got up and peed, then went over to Jo's closet and grabbed all his hoodies. I sprayed his cologne on them. "Jack, what are you doing?"

"Making them smell like you,"

"Those are mine,"

"They are mine,"


"Dad," I yelled for Dad.

"Fine, take 4 but not these ones. They are Corbs," Jo said as he took one of the ones I wanted.

"I wanted that one,"

"Nope, pick 4 out of those," Jo said as he put the ones away.

"Fine, I get your cologne too," I said as I picked out 4 hoodies and his cologne and put them in my bag. We all ate breakfast and then Dad and I went home. I fell asleep on the ride home, I woke at lunchtime because of a nightmare. I began to hyperventilate, my throat closing up. I began to cry, I curled into a ball on my Dad's bed and rocked myself back and forth. I was just going to have to wait it out like I always do.

"Shit," I heard a voice say but couldn't tell who it was. "Dad," The voice yelled, making me jump, I heard footsteps run up the stairs. "Jack,"

"Jack, buddy," Another voice said as it sat next to me, I looked up and saw Dad. I climbed onto his lap and grasped at my throat. "Deep breaths, you are safe. I am here," He cooed as he put my hand on his chest and took deep breaths. I tried to copy him but mine came out in wheezes. "Good boy, keep going," He cooed as he took deep breaths, and I eventually regained my breath. "You are okay, baby," he cooed as he rubbed my back, luring me to sleep.

Daniel's POV

I laid Jack back down on our bed and went downstairs to talk to Corbyn. "Jack, just had a panic attack. It took me 20 minutes to calm him down,"

"He has an appointment with his med guy on Monday,"

"I think he had a bad dream,"

"Probably, is he sleeping now?"

"Yes, he fell back asleep,"

"Go upstairs in case he wakes back up, I will finish dinner." I nodded and went back upstairs.

Jack's POV

I woke back up to Dad bouncing me on his hip. "Wake up, princess,"


"It's dinnertime,"

"No," I yawned.

"Yes, come on," Dad carried me downstairs.

"NOOOO," I screamed as he sat me at the table. "My pillow," I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him into the seat next to me. His eyes went big, I sat on his lap. "Pillow," I said happily.


"No, stay," I seethed, causing Dad to raise his eyebrow at me. "Please," I said, trying to save my already dead ass.

"Nope, up."

"Dad," I said sadly but got up and sat in my seat. Dad got up and grabbed my plate and put it in front of me.

"Dinner," He yelled upstairs, and a zoo came running down them. Mathew came bolting down the stairs and Izzy came rolling her eyes, Zach walked down slowly.

"What's wrong?" Dad asked Zach as he sat down.

"Nothing, leave me alone," Zach yelled and ran upstairs, I chased after him. Knowing what it's like to be upset and not have anyone to care. "I am dying," Zach cried as I walked into his room and shut the door.

"Why do you say that?" I asked as I sat on his bed.

"I am bleeding out of my you know,"

"This happened to Jo, you have an ovary. We should tell Dads so they can take you to the doors,"

"Tell us what?" I looked up and saw Dad standing in the door.


"Jack Robert the truth," I turned and looked at Zach.

"I am bleeding of my you know,"

"Fuck," Dad mumbled. "I will call the Monday, let's go eat dinner,"

"Can we eat up here?" I asked not to have time with Zach in forever.

"Sure, I will bring it up," Dad left and came back with our food. "Eat it all, Jack," Dad went back downstairs and Zach and I played Minecraft well we ate. Dad came up and grabbed the plates and we kept playing until we both fell asleep.

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