Chapter 16

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"I will vote on that book."

"Thank you, I just wish if I had posted a book about us, it gets like 80 votes ASAP and people are waiting until 1 for me to post my book just to read it. Sadly, Wattpad is like dying. I miss the days,"

"That is sad,"

"I had a shit ton fo online friends that I used to Facetime with and everything. I had a friend named Camilla who gave me all of my ideas, but now she isn't reading. She deleted her account and if I need an idea I ask her. But we are old news so for me to post about us because it's not as hot it doesn't do good either,"

"That's sad,"

"And to get new revenue from a new fandom is hard."

"I get that, that was Jo when he started Baseball,"

"Why is he here? I didn't think he was supposed to be home til this weekend."

"He wanted to surprise off, he has a game here and didn't tell us so he could come home and surprise us."

"That's nice,"

"Breakfast," Corbyn yelled going over to the stairs. They all came running downstairs and sat at the table. We all ate breakfast and then went our separate ways, Corbyn went to go to drop the kids off at school and came home. I fell asleep on the couch as we watched Anne with an E. I woke up in a room I didn't know but Daniel was hovering over me.

"Where are we?"

"In our sex dungeon,"

"We have one of those,"

"Yes," Daniel finally took my virginity as Corbyn and Jonah fucked next to each other.

"Thank you," I said as Daniel lay next to me.

"You are the best princess ever. You are so polite I love it, I fuck you and you say thank you." Daniel chuckled.


"Don't apologize, it's cute," He said as I laid my head on Daniel's chest and he rubbed my head until I fell asleep. I woke up to another nightmare, I was in Dad's room on their bed in the middle of them. I sat as an attack hit me, I gasped I got up tripping over everyone and waking them all up. I grabbed my medicine and took it, I was scooped into somebody's arms. I looked at the face it was Daniel, he had came running to me so fast. I began to wheeze, my vision going. "Shh, you are okay. I got you," I just wanted Corbyn but I couldn't see anything or say anything.

"I got you," Corbyn's voice said as I think it was him who took me from Daniel. I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. I began to calm down as I listened to his heartbeat blocking out everything else. I was eventually lured back into a slumber.

Corbyn's POV

"He is asleep," I said when Jack fell asleep scrunched up his ear on my chest.

"I feel so bad for him,"

"I know, poor thing," I laid down with Jack on the bed. "He is letting me read his books. I think he has been having these a lot more than he is telling us. He tells me he writes these about his life or what he wants his life to be like. I think this has been going on for years, that is why he is so good at calming himself down too,"

"We will talk to him when he wakes up," Jack slept the rest of the day, we woke him up for dinner and we ate dinner and he went right back to sleep. We are going to talk to him in the morning. We put the kids to bed and got ready for bed, and we went to bed.

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