Chapter 5

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I woke up to the vibrator on high. "Fuck," I moaned as I grabbed my phone and called Dad.

J: Turn it off

D: Nope, have fun. It will stay in until you come home today. Bye.

He hung up on me making me mad. "Why does he keep hanging up on me?"

"Jack," Jo groaned, and my yelling woke him up.

"Fuck," I moaned as I sat up and pushed the egg right on my prostate. "Why? I hate this," I moaned as I got out of bed. "We are going home, I need to cum,"


"No, home now,"

"Sorry, we can't leave until 10. He really wants you to be on edge."

"Now or I take it out,"

"Fine, he will punish me and I love to be punished," Jo said as he got out of bed. "Go pack," We packed the vibrator going down to a liveable pace as we packed. As soon as we were done it went through the roof again.

"I need it out,"

"Sorry, you will regret it," I rolled my eyes at Jo. "Let's go home," Jo drove us home as fast as he could, the egg going on until I was about to cum then back off.

"Finally, thank you," I ran inside leaving my stuff in the car. "I need help, please," I said as I ran into Daddy in the kitchen.

"You are early, you are in for it," He chuckled. "Have fun, he is in our room,"

"Fuck," I screamed as the egg came back on and Dad came into the kitchen.

"Hello, Jack. You are early."


"Nope," I turned to Daddy and looked at him.

"Please, I need it out,"


"I don't even want to cum. I just want it out," The egg inside me upped again and I turned around and Jo was on his phone smirking at me. "Fuck," I screamed the egg all the way up.

"Jo, upstairs," Dad yelled at Jonah making him walk upstairs and Dad pulled his phone out of his pants.

"Fuck, Daddy," I screamed as my knees buckled and I fell to the ground, my vision blurring as I came in my boxers.

"Shit," Dad said as he picked me up. "There goes my fun," He said as he carried me into their room where Jo was on the bed naked. "You made him cum so you aren't getting anything," I was laid on the bed and Daddy came in behind us and lay with me. Jo got his clothes on and laid with us.

"What movie do you want to watch?"

"Annabelle," I said as Daddy turned on the TV and put on Annabelle. I fell right asleep being whooped from that powerful orgasm. 

I woke up being picked up and I whined. "Let's shower," It was Daddy's voice. I opened my eyes and we were in my room. "Your computer is here," He said as he pointed to the box on my bed. "What do you use to masturbate?" I straightened my legs and he put me down. "I wanted to see if we should get you some toys," I went to my dresser and grabbed Jonah's dildo I stole from him.

"Hey, that's mine, I was wondering where it went." He said and I turned around and Jo and Dad were standing in the doorway.

"I want you to suck it," Daddy said as he took it from me and put it to my mouth. "No, I will do it," He said as I went to grab it, I love to pleasure people already doing this myself.

"My poor dick," I mumbled as I took the dildo in my mouth.

"What?" I shook my head as Master shoved the dildo down my throat. I swirled my tongue around the tip when he pulled it back out. Jonah and Dad both watching us as our scene went on.

"Mmm," I moaned around the dildo as Master put it back into my mouth.

"According to Jo, you have quite the mouth on you," Master said making me look at Jo and blush. I was already close to bursting in my pants for the second time today, sensitive from being edged most of the morning and all day yesterday.

"Stop," I said not wanting to cum yet. The dildo was quickly pulled out of my mouth and I was pulled into Daddy's chest.

"I stopped, you are okay. I am so sorry,"

"I am fine," I said as I took the dildo and put it away. I got some confused looks from Jo and Dad. "I am fine," Was all I said and I went into the bathroom and Dad followed me.

"You sure, you are okay. We also want the bathroom door to stay open," He said as I stripped my clothes. "Ohhh," Was all he said as I undressed, my leaking cock on display. I got in the shower, and he followed me.

"Ohh," I moaned as he wrapped his arms around me and grabbed my leaking dick. "Again," I moaned when he spanked me.

"You like that," He teased as he rubbed my ass where he just spanked me.

"Please," I screamed as he spanked me again. "Master," I moaned as he stroked me and spanked me.

"Not my name,"

"Daddy," I screamed as he spanked me and I came all over his hand. We washed up and got out of the shower and went downstairs. Jo and Daddy were just finishing dinner.

"We have some stuff to talk about,"

"He has a pain kink," Dad said as he sat in his spot at the table on his phone. "I am getting us some kinky stuff for him," Jo and Daddy brought dinner over to the table and they sat down. 

"We have some rules to go over, and some stuff to talk about," Daddy said as he dished up everyone's food.

"Thank you, what's up?" I said as he put a plate in front of me.

"Well first of all we want you to do therapy, you will start tomorrow and go weekly,"


"We found some concerning stuff in your room and think it will be good if you aren't going to talk to us you talk to someone,"

"I don't want to,"

"You are going to or you aren't going to be allowed to shut the bathroom door, either or?"

"Fine," I grumbled mad at them for making me go.

"You will also have some rules if you want to have a sexual relationship with us, the first one is you eat all three meals we provide for you, second you need permission to cum, you call dad daddy and me whatever you please, you must tell us when something is bothering you, no lying, we always know when you are lying, and the bigger of them is no touching yourself without asking, if you break a rule tell us."

"We also won't be having sex until we think you are ready."

"Okay," I said, not really wanting to talk to them, still mad about the therapy thing.

"If you break one of these rules or don't listen you will be punished, these will consist of spanking, no cumming, whipping we will try this, edging, and writing lines," Daddy said as we all finished our dinner. "Dad goes back to work tomorrow, we are probably going to have you do school online at my office but we haven't decided yet. The kids will be home any minute,"

"Online school, I won't be going to school anymore,"

"We haven't decided yet but are leaning more towards it," He said as we all got up and helped clean up dinner. I went upstairs and into my bathroom and shut the door, I stuck two fingers down my throat and threw up my dinner. I then went to my beanbag and got out my pills that I hid in there and took one. I flushed the toilet and went downstairs getting bombarded by Izzy. We talked until we had to go to bed. I went to bed in my room.

A/N I thought yesterday was Thursday so you guys get an extra chapter. Also, my hand is burning so might be done writing for a bit. I have both books done but no new writing for a bit.

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