Chapter 7

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3rd POV

Jack woke up and it was 3, he got out of his dad's arms and went into the bathroom and he puked up all of his dinner. "What are you doing?" Corbyn said as he came into the bathroom Jack was standing in front of the toilet.

"Peeing," Jack said as Corbyn turned on the light as Jack pretended to tuck himself back into his boxers.

"Our bladders are on the same schedule," Corbyn chuckled as he pulled out his half hard cock and peed as Jack washed his hands. Corbyn peed and tucked himself away and washed his hands.

"There is no way I am going back to bed," Jack groaned 'mad' at himself for waking up. "I am going to go into my room and do my book."

"I will come,"

"You can go back to bed,"

"I will be fine, let's go," Corbyn picked up Jack and grabbed his phone. He brought him into his room and laid him on his bed. Corbyn sat behind Jack with his back against the headboard. Jack grabbed his phone and laid his head on Corbyn's thigh being between his legs, and began to write the next chapter of his book. "Let me know if you get hungry," Corbyn said as he played with Jack's hair knowing it would put him out.

"I will," Jack wrote his book for about 5 minutes before he fell asleep, making Corbyn smile and fall asleep as well.

Jack's POV

I woke up to Dad moving, I looked at my phone, it was 1130. "What in the world? How is it 11: 30 and none of the kids have woken me up?"

"No idea but they know if they wake me I am grumpy, and you were my pillow."

"How did you sleep?"


"Let's go eat lunch,"

"Stay please,"

"Fine, only for a bit," I grabbed my phone and finished my chapter and posted it.

"Now food, but I have to pee," I got out of bed and went into my bathroom and peed as Dad went downstairs. I peed and went downstairs and ate grilled cheese for lunch.

"Good afternoon," Daddy chuckled as he came into the dinning room as we ate and sat with us. "I told the kids wake you, and they said they were to scared of a grumpy Jack to do it,"

"They should be,"

"Got any plans for today?"

"I was thinking about just doing a movie for dinner and letting the kids play. Since you two lazy butts slept in until 1130."

"Come back here," Zach yelled as he chased after Matthew.


"What Jo?"

"How are you?" Jo and I are alone in Dad's room.

"Good," I said, thinking of something but wanting to ask for it. "Do you know who the twin's mom is?"

"I am,"

"No, you are lying,"

"Yes, I had one ovary and it died almost killing them, I was 13. I still haven't forgiven myself for almost killing them, I am not good enough so I had Dani and Corby raise them. We don't know if they are actually Corbyn's don't tell them this but they could be Sam's,"


"Yes, but I don't want them to know at all, I am going to tell them soon," Jo and I talked for the rest of the night and then we ate dinner and went to bed.

A/N Posting now, currently working camp and am beat. I am going to be out tonight.

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