Chapter 13

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I woke up to Daniel's alarm blaring, he reached over me and turned it off. Daniel carefully climbed over me and went into the bathroom. I got up and went into the bathroom with him. He was in the shower when I walked in. I took off his sweater and my boxers, I stepped into the shower. "Good morning Corbs," He said as he faced away from me.


"And Corbyn," I turned around and Dad was behind me.

"Wow! I have a lot of company. Jack, what are you doing up?"

"You're stupid alarm,"

"Sorry," Daniel said as he turned around and went under the water, he washed his hair. We all washed ourselves and then got out. Corbyn left the bathroom naked and left the door open. He got dressed in their room well Daniel got dressed next to me. "I got you something," he said as he put on his dress pants and white button-up shirt. He picked me up and laid me on their bed, he went to his dresser and pulled out some stuff.

"I will wait," Corbyn smirked at me as Daniel laid the girl's clothes next to me. I jumped up and hugged him.

"Thank you,"

"You're welcome, pick out an outfit?"

"Favorite color Dad,"

"Red," He said his eyes darkening knowing exactly what I was doing. I grabbed the red underwear and put them on. "Fuck," He groaned as I put on a skirt and a white crop top. Corbyn began to palm himself. "Wake up the kids, I need him," Corbyn said as he looked at Daniel.

"What if I wanted him?"

"Bullshit, go. We both know your sex drive,"

"That's because you only last 5 minutes,"

"You only last 2,"

"I last longer than you and you know it," I laughed as I watched Dad's roast each other sexually. "At least I didn't cream myself the last time he did this."

"Wait, what?" I squealed no longer a guy, I looked at Cobryn.

"You said you wouldn't tell anyone,"

"You creamed yourself,"

"Yes, I did. Jo and I had been sexting all day so I was on edge from that,"

"Sure," Corbyn stocked towards me but turned to Daniel before he got to me. He is dead.

"Bed, now," Corbyn spanked Daniel and then edged him, not letting him cum. "Jack, no blowjobs," He turned and looked at me still on the bed.

"Why me?"

"He isn't allowed to cum until tomorrow, if you make him you will get the same thing."

"Okay," I said as Corbyn left the room, Daniel got redressed as I sat there confused.

"I have to go to work after your appointment." I nodded, he picked me up and carried me downstairs. He sat me on the counter and made breakfast. Izzy came down dressed and sat next to me. "Did you see Shawn's Met Gala pictures?"

"No, let me see," she pulled out her iPad and showed me Shawn's Met Gala pictures. "Fuck, look at his abs,"

"Who's abs?" Corbyn said as he came downstairs, and hugged Daniel from behind. Daniel shrugged Corbyn off.

"Shawn's look?" I showed Corbyn Izzy's iPad.

"Mine are better,"

"But, it's Shawn,"

"That is true," We all ate breakfast, Daniel not saying anything clearly mad at Corbyn. We went upstairs after everyone left, Daniel and I cuddled until we had to leave. We left and went to my med appointment and we got my meds afterward. We just got to Daniel's work, we had just walked in and Shawn came in behind us.

"OH MY GOD," I screamed like a girl.

"Hi, Jack,"

"He knows my name," He pointed to Daniel.

"We met when you were about 5 maybe,"

"5, yes he was 5," I looked at Daniel appalled, Daniel sat in his seat and Shawn sat down. I walked over to Daniel and sat on his lap. "How are you doing, Jack?" I opened my mouth but closed it not being able to talk.

"We are going through a bit of a rough patch, but he is coming out of it. We are remembering the stuff that his dad did to him," How in the fuck?

"Fuck," I finally spoke making both of them look at me. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I actually know my SHAWN.

"How Jo and the kids?"

"Jo is great, doing baseball now. The kids are great too, as crazy as ever,"

"That 's great."

"How is your sister and family?"

"We are doing great, I just moved into my own apartment as you know," Say hi, you can do it! Just hi!


"Hello, what do you like to do?"

"Great question," I said looking at Daniel.

"You can talk to him,"

"I l-like to build stuff and sing," You stuttered you dumbass. I accidentally said out loud.

"You and Niall he loves both of you, he was just talking about,"

"Dad no,"

"This morning," He said ignoring me and finishing his sentence.

"You are a big, fan. Favorite song?"

"All of them!"

"You can't say that,"

"Fine, stitches currently,"

"I love that song too, so you like young me,"

"I love all of them," Shawn and I talked for a while, once we were done we went home. Daniel made dinner and we ate dinner and to bed. 

A/N I just realized that I was mixing the dad titles so I just decided to do their names. This chapter is so funny.

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