Chapter 17

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Jack's POV

I woke up to another attack, I was gasping for air as I sat up straight. Daniel sat up with me as he pulled me onto his lap. Daniel grabbed my medicine and gave it to me. I took it and waited for it to kick in. Corbyn took me from Daniel, I didn't know I even woke him up. "Shh, you are okay?" He cooed as he rubbed my back. Corbyn sat me on the bed and put his hand on my chest. "Deep breaths, you are fine. I am here,"

"Can't," I gasped out.

"Shh, don't talk, just breathe," I took deep breaths until I calmed down.

"You good?" Daniel asked from next to me.

"Yes," I said as I leaned towards Corbyn and laid my head on his chest.

"We have a question."

"What's up?"

"You need to be honest with us,"

"Mhm," I said now confused about what they wanted to talk about.

"How long have you been having attacks?"

"Years, why?"

"We just wanted to know, how would you calm yourself down?"

"I would wait them out,"

"How long?"

"Hours sometimes,"

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"You guys didn't care about me until I tried to kill myself."

"Jack, baby. We love you a lot and always have, why do you think that?"

"You guys haven't celebrated my birthday in years."

"We always do, we would leave it all on your bed, just like we always have. Remember the birthday Monkey you called it since we started doing it, the birthday monkey would give you presents. That is what you asked us happened on a birthday when you were 5 and ever since then it has been the birthday Monkey."

"It was too cute to correct it, so we went with it," Corbyn said.

"My x told me they were from him,"

"You have an x, and no from us."

"Yes, his name was Jason. He told me that he did that, that you guys didn't care enough to get me anything."

"It sounds like Jason isn't a good guy,"

"No shit. I broke up with him after I tried to kill myself. When he didn't show I was done," I yawned well saying the last part. "I am tired," I said as I closed my eyes, I was picked up and laid down on a chest. I felt a kiss on my forehead before I fell asleep.

I woke up to Corbyn's alarm going off, I opened my eyes as Corbyn got out of bed. Daniel wasn't in bed, the bathroom light was on. I could see it under the door, Corbyn walked into the bathroom. I turned over wanting to cuddle, Jo was also up next to me. I looked up at him, he was on his phone. "Good morning,"

"No," I said making Jo chuckle as he scrolled through his phone. "Why aren't you in there?"

"This is the only alone time they get, since for as long as I can remember I have never been able to go in. They usually just talk but sometimes they have sex. I remember one day I went in there, I had a vibrator in me at school and everywhere for a week."

"Fucken shit, I went in once. Dad thought I was dada, we were both in there but I didn't know that that is what they do every morning just to be alone."

"Mhm, I am surprised they didn't tell you off,"

"I didn't know, they didn't say anything to me actually. Maybe because I am such a sleep-oriented person."

"Maybe," I laid my head on Jo's chest and he rubbed my hair until I fell asleep. I was woken up by Jonah getting out of bed.

"No, Jo," I whined reaching for Jo.

"I have to pee I will be right back," Jo peed and came right back as he promised. He came back and picked me up. He carried me downstairs, as breakfast was being set on the table. Jo sat me down in a chair and sat next to me. Dad's being at the head, I got down and sat on Daniel's lap. I laid my head on his shoulder, exhausted.

"Eat your breakfast," He said as Jo passed him my plate. I didn't say anything, but when Daniel went to put his next bit in his mouth I ate it. "Jack, what?"

"Yum," Daniel fed me my breakfast rotating every other bit, he ate. I ate all my breakfast. Corbyn went to go drop the kids off at school and he came home. We all cuddled in bed watching Anne with an E. We ate lunch and dinner and then they put the kids to bed. I fell asleep well they were putting the kids to sleep. 

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