Chapter 14

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I woke up to a bad dream, I began to hyperventilate. Daniel sat up hearing me. "You are okay," he cooed as he grabbed my medicine and his water from the nightstand. "Take this," I took my medicine and sat on Daniel's lap. I laid my head on his chest as he sang to me, I eventually fell back to sleep. I woke up again to another nightmare, Corbyn was the only one in the room. He was getting dressed.

"Dad," I gasped as my throat began to close up.

"Shh, you are okay. It was just a bad dream," He cooed as he picked me up, he grabbed my meds from Daniel's nightstand and Daniel's water and I gulped it down. "Deep breaths, you are okay," He took deep breaths and I copied them until I calmed down. "Good boy," He cooed once I took a good deep breath. "You are safe, I am here," He wiped my tears away with his thumb, I didn't know I was crying. "You are fine," I laid my head on his chest as Daniel came running out of the bathroom.


"He is okay, he is at the end of it,"

"I am so sorry baby, I didn't hear you," He took me from Corbyn, and I laid my head on Daniel's shoulder. "You okay?" I nodded not trusting my voice.

"He is fine," Cbryn said as he rubbed my back. "I have to go wake up the kids and go to work," he said as he pecked my forehead.

"No, stay,"

"I will call in, Can you drop the kids off?"

"I sure can," Daniel passed me back to Corbyn and we laid down in bed. We lay there until I got an idea, I smirked and stood up. "Where are you going?"

"Serect," I said as I went into my room I grabbed a thong out of my dresser and put it on. I took a deep breath and went back to Dad's room. "Close your eyes,"

"They are closed," I walked into the room and sat on his dick.


"Fuck," He groaned when he opened his eyes. "Princess, you are beautiful," I felt his dick harden beneath me. "God, I want to fuck you so bad,"

"I have an amazing mouth, I can give you a blowjob," I gave Corbyn a blow job and I had came 3 times during it and he only came once.

"How many times did your tiny dick cum?" he asked when he saw my seeping cock.

"3," I mumbled in subspace, I stuck my arms up and he picked me up.

"Hello," Daniel came into the room back from dropping the kids off. "Fuck,"

"Now I get why you creamed yourself, Jack what in the hell?"

"He is in subspace, he came 3 times giving me head."

"I get you know, he doesn't do this to me,"

"Mean," I mumbled out not knowing what they were talking about. "No want Jacky,"

"I would have fucked you a long time ago if you did this,"

"Down," I mumbled to Corbyn but was ignored.

"Not now, you need to rest," I pouted at Daniel, and crossed my arms. "We can do it this weekend," He said making me smile. I yawned and closed my eyes as I laid my head on Corbyn's shoulder.

"Night," I said as I fell asleep. I woke up to another bad dream.

"I got you," Daniel cooed as he pulled me onto his lap, Corbyn next to him. "Take it," He handed me my medicine, and before he could hand me his water I took it. "Are you okay?" He said as he waited a couple of minutes but the attack never came.

"I am good, I think."

"Do you feel one coming?"


"Okay," Daniel laid down with me and I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. His heartbeat lured me back into a slumber. "I love you," I heard and felt a kiss on my forehead before I fell asleep. I woke back up by myself, Dads were in the bathroom talking. I walked over to them and they both looked at me. "What do you need?" Daniel asked me, I shrugged and hugged him. "Can you give us a minute?" I frowned at that but went into my room. I went into the bathroom and grabbed my razor and began to cut myself.

"Jack," Jo came into my bathroom screaming throwing me into an attack. I grabbed my throat as it closed up faster than normal and I started to wheeze. "I got you," Jo cooed as he picked me up and brought me into Dad's room.

"Daniel, where is his medicine?" Daniel came running out of the bathroom, he grabbed my medicine and gave it to me. He tried to take me from Jo but I clung onto him being mad at him.

"You are okay, baby. Daddy is here, shhh," He cooed as he rubbed my back, Corbyn came out of the bathroom adn took me from Jo.

"Deep breaths, you are safe. I am right here," He cooed as he rubbed my back and took deep breaths, I copied them. "Good boy, keep going," He said as he began to bounce me around. "You are okay," I took deep breaths and I heard singing, it was Daniel's voice. I laid my head on Corbyn's shoulder and closed my eyes.

Jo's POV

"That was bad,"

"That is his worst one yet, what happened?"

"He was about to cut himself, I was coming to surprise you guys. I saw him walk into his room. I naturally followed him, he was about to cut himself. I yelled at him in panic and it started."

"Well, no more yelling."

"I didn't know they were that bad."

"They usually last about 20 minutes, this one was really bad."

"I thought you said he had attacks, I was thinking like mine. Where they would last for like 5 minutes and he would be fine. Not a half an hour,"

"They are bad,"

"I see that," We laid Jack down on the bed and he slept for the rest of the day and night. Corbyn stayed with him well he slept. "They tucker him right out?" I asked Daniel after we put the kids to bed and went into his bedroom.

"Oh, yes. He has been doing a lot of sleeping, he usually sleeps for a couple of hours after one just to wake back up and have another one. He hasn't been sleeping great at all so if he sleeps like this we let him,"

"Poor thing," I said as we laid down on the bed after we got undressed. I cuddled into Daniel ready for a long night and fell asleep.

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