Chapter 8

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We all woke up at 730 because we had a meeting with mom at 10. All of us were going to meet her, we got ready and left. When we got there I saw mom sitting waiting. "Mom," I yelled running to her but was blocked by two guards.

"He can see her," Daddy said as he walked towards the guards and they let me through.

"Mom," I hugged my mom as Dad checked us in.

"You guys, our room," We followed Dad into a room with a table and a bunch of chairs. They all sat down and I just looked at Mom.

"Come sit," She said as she patted her lap and I went and sat on her lap. Jo was next to Daddy with Izzy on his lap. Daddy was next to Dad and Zach was next to Matthew. "How are you guys?"

"We are good," Daddy answered. "Zach just got MVP of his soccer team,"

"Wow, really! Congrats Zach!" Zach blushed and went and sat on Dad's lap, he hid his head in Dads shoulder.

"Tell her what you want to be when you are old," Dad said to Zach, Zach buried his head in Dad's shoulder.

"He wants to be a cop, him and Mathew are always running around the house like crazy,"

"A cop, really! That would be awesome, and Jo does baseball, Jacky what do you want to be?"

"He needs to sing, he has a beautiful voice," Daddy said and everyone else nodded.

"I don't like people but I would love to sing," I said as I looked at Jo and he waved me over. I got up and sat on Jo's lap next to Izzy. "Let's have fun," I whispered to Izzy and she smirked at me knowing exactly what I was saying.

"How big are they?"

"13, 9, and I don't know, not as big as Shawn," I said as I bit my lip.

"Enough guys, we don't talk like that,"

"Shawn is huge," I said ignoring Daddy.

"Not as big as Harry,"

"Harry is tiny," Daddy raised his eyebrow at us and I smiled.

"Up, both of you," We stood up smirking knowing our plan worked and Daddy led us to the room. "Izzy here," He said, pointing to the seat he wanted Izzy to sit in. "Jack, sit," He said as he led me across the room. "I am going to talk to Izzy but you know better," He went and talked to Izzy and she went back into the room. "Why do you guys keep talking like this? Jack she is 8,"

"She wanted too,"

"She is 8 and you are 13, you know better. She should have no idea what half of the stuff is she knows,"

"Okay," I knew I was in for it when we got home.

"No phone and Izzy doesn't get her Ipad."

"What? No,"

"Yes, your phone now," I rolled my eyes and gave him my phone. "Thank you," He said as he picked me up and carried me into the room. He sat down with me on his lap.

"Okay, Izzy and Matt let's go home, we have to talk," Jo said as he stood up and the twins got up.

"Izzy gets no Ipad," Daddy said to Jo, we all said goodbye and they left. "We have five minute's left." Daddy said checking his watch after we had talked for a while. We all got up and left the room, Daddy carrying me.

"I don't want to go," I said as Daddy carried me outside with mom.

"Can you hang out Wednesday?" Daddy asked mom as he walked to the car.

"No," I whined as he tried to put me down.

"Say bye to your mom," I reached for her Daddy still holding me. "She isn't going to be able to hold you," I got down and hugged mom, Daddy picked me back up.

"No, mom,' I cried as my mom left and Daddy opened the back door.

"You will see her in two days,"

"No mom," I cried as Daddy tried to buckle me in and I slapped his hands away. "One hug please,"

"You don't hit Jack," Daddy scolded. "Go say bye," He said angry with me, I went and hugged mom and ran back to the car. I got in and buckled myself in. I stared out the window the whole way home with tears threatening to spill. "Jack come here," Daddy said as Dad pulled into the driveway. I climbed up front and onto his lap and I broke down crying.

"I miss her,"

"You will see her wednesday, that is literally two days away. You can make two days,"

"No, I can't,"

"Yes, you can cutie," I blushed and covered my face.

"Don't hide that beautiful face from me," Daddy said as he pulled my hands away from my face. "I love you," He said as he kissed me, making fireworks explode in my stomach. He pulled away before it went too far. "Let's go inside, Jo is telling the twins," We walked inside and Jo and the twins were sitting at the table.

"So you are our mom? But dad?" Izzy asked Jo.

"Yes, I had you guys, and Dad is still your guys dad and so is Daddy,"

"So you guys are dating?"

"Yes, we are. Have been for 8 and a half years."


"Is that it?"

"Yes," They both left the table leaving Jo there.

"They took it better than I thought they would," Jo said as Dad came into the kitchen and hugged him.

"You are still leaving Thursday right?"

"Yeah, I have practice,"

"So we have to make these last couple of nights special," Dad said as he stuck his hand in Jo's pants. "You like it when Daddy makes you feel good," I almost moaned as I watched the scene unfold in front of me.

"Nope, you go upstairs. In the room, you need a spanking," I went upstairs and went into my room, I locked the door. "Jack Robert," Daddy yelled, making me whimper and sit on my bed. He opened the door and I scooted back as he came into the room and shut and locked the door.

"Please, no," Daddy's eyes softened and he picked me up.

"I am not going to hurt you," He cooed as he rocked me until I calmed down. We all hung out for the rest of the day until dinner. We ate dinner and went to bed. 

A/N Can't sleep so Chapter. 

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