Chapter 2

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It has been three weeks and the doctors don't think that Jack is going to wake up. His dads and Jonah haven't left his side Jonah not care if he ruined his baseball career. "We still have no sign that he is going to wake up, I think we need to put him on life support."

"Can we have some time?" Daniel said and the doctor nodded and left the room.

"Jack please wake up, I am so sorry. I should have protected you like I promised Mom. I shouldn't have left," Jack groaned and opened his eyes just to close them again because of the lights. "Jack," Jo said causing Corbyn and Dnaiel to jump up.

"He is awake," Daniel opened the door to Jack's room and yelled out. All the doctors came running in.

"NO," Jack screamed causing everyone to stop. "He didn't do anything, I fell," Jack said to what he thought were policemen.

"Jack, how old are you?" One of the doctors asked.

"Four," Jack said holding up three fingers.

"You are 13 and who are these people?"

"Policemen trying to arrest Sam," Jack said making Jonah shiver at the mention of his name.

"I am Jojo," Jonah said to Jack.

"If Jojo, show me star," Jonah had to think for a moment before he remembered the matching stars they had. Jonah pulled off his hoodie and shirt and showed Jack his armpit. "Hairy," He giggled as he traced the star everyone just staring at him.

"We have match scars, he used to get super scared when we lived with Sam so we gave each other these scars so we were always connected and he used to trace mine for hours to calm down. After you know."

"How did we never notice that?"

"No idea," Jo said as he shrugged.

"These are your dads, dad," Jo said pointing to Cobryn. "Or dada and then Daddy," He said as he pointed to Daniel.

"No," Jack said as he curled into a ball scared.

"Jack we have to do some tests,"


"If you do them then we can go home, and get ice cream," Jack crossed his arms and pouted at Jonah. "You guys can go home, and get his room ready, I will bring him home,"

"Okay, we will see you guys in a bit,"

"No," Jack said as Daniel tried to kiss him.

"Sorry buddy," Daniel and Corbyn both left and the doctors did some tests and discharged Jack.

"You have a Jeep,"

"Yes, you helped me pick it out,"

"It is so pretty," Jack said as he got into the Jeep.

"You will be coming to my apartment for a couple of days until you remember everything so you aren't overwhelmed," Jonah drove them home, and once they got there Daniel and Corbyn were on the couch talking.

"Hi bub," Daniel said as they walked in the door.

"Go shower, I have to talk to them," Jack gave Jo a confused look. "Right, I will show you your room," Jonah showed Jack to his room pointed to the bathroom door, and told him to shower. Jonah went downstairs to where Danuel and Cobryn were at. "I am going to take him back to my place, the doctor thinks it will be less stressful. At least for a couple of days,"

"I am taking everything is okay,"

"Yes, I am very worried about him,"

"We all are,"

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