Chapter 19

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I woke up to no attacks and I smiled as I turned to Daniel, he was in his suit. "Work,"

"Yes, it is Friday, you have therapy and have to go to work with me after."

"I didn't have an attack,"

"You also didn't go to bed until 430, it is 730,"

"I am so excited about this book, Dad had a great idea,"

"That is why he is an English teacher."

"He loved it too,"

"Maybe I could read it when we get home,"

"Sure," We laid in bed until 8: 30, Dad got up and left me on the bed. He went to his dresser and grabbed some clothes. He came back with black leggings, a white cropped shirt, and black panties. He got me dressed then threw on his sweater over my outfit, it went down to my knees.


"Thank you," We ate breakfast and went to therapy then to work with Dad. I slept on his lap as he met with people. I was woken up by him standing up and picking me up. "No,"

"We have to go home," He said as he carried me to the car and we went home. "Can I read your book?" Daniel asked as we got home, I ran upstairs, grabbed my computer, and ran back downstairs.

"Read," I said as we sat at the table, I opened my computer and he read my book. He laughed at a couple of things and smiled when he read it. "All Dad," I said when he got to the end and looked at me.

"He gave you the start Jack but you actually wrote that not him, that is amazing."

"Thank you,"

"You have a gift, if you can write a book that is not fanfic I could sign you. I could expand my company and sign you,"

"Well, most of it is my editor. She is amazing,"

"I can give you money and you could do so much. Would you ever write anything that's not fanfic?"

"I have, they just don't make the cut because it is so hard to switch what you write. I have tried to turn fandoms before and ended up face-planting,"

"That is why you have me, if you faceplant I can support you. Have you ever heard of Strings by Shawn?"

"He has a song called Strings,"

"Exactly, I covered that like no tomorrow. Let me read these books." I opened one of my untitled docs and he read it. "Fuck, Jack you could be the next J.K. Rowling,"

"You are lying,"

"I am not, your grammar is ass but the content is amazing,"

"Thank you,"

"Give me a couple of months to figure this out business-wise but in the meantime I want you to publish this book."


"I will help you, the first step is to become an editor."

"Have one. She is almost as bad as Dad, if not worse, I will send it to her," I took my computer and emailed Camilla and told her to edit this book ASAP. "She is fast too, she will be done by," My phone began to ring. It was Camilla.

J: Hey
I answered by putting it on speaker.

C: How soon do you need this? Do you want me to do this one first?

J: Please do, can you get it done by Tuesday?

C: Monday it is.

J: Thank you

C: Yep, have a good afternoon. I will call you when it is done.
She hung up and I laid my phone on the table. "She is the best,"

"I see that, email this to me," Dad took my computer and emailed his work my book. "I will do the rest,"

"Thank you so much," I said super excited, Daniel sat on his phone for the rest of the night calling a shit ton of people.

"What is he doing?" Corbyn asked as he came home with the kids.

"He is going to sign me," I said as I jumped up and down. Izzy squealed and jumped with me as well, Zach and Matt confused. "He is expanding his company so he can sign me to write books."

"No way," They both said as they hugged me, I got a big hug.

"I have to call Jo,"

"He is about to be home, I got him," Daniel said as he reentered the kitchen still on the phone.

"I am so excited," I said as Jo walked in the door. I ran to him and hugged him as I jumped up and down.

"You're excited,"

"SO EXCITED," Daniel was on the phone the rest of the night until 8: 30, he didn't eat he just paced all night. We had all gone to bed and he came up, he took off his clothes, and laid down next to me.

"I have to call some more people tomorrow and go to work but it is ironing out," He said as I laid my head on his chest and he played with my hair until I fell asleep.

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