Chapter 18

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I woke up to another attack, I sat up gasping for breath. My chest was tight as I tried to breathe. I was in my room, I got up and tried to walk to Dad's room but fell as soon as I walked into their room. I heard many feet run towards me, some squatted in front of me. My vision and hearing are both gone. I balled up scared shitless, knowing that it was too late for my medicine. I sat there and rocked back and forth trying to breathe. About an hour and a half later, I got my vision back I still couldn't hear. I looked up and the whole family was in front of me. Daniel mouthed something and they left. He handed me my medicine and I took it. My hearing now slowly coming back, I kept rocking myself scared shitless. This has never happened before. "Shh, you are okay," Corbyn said as I grabbed at him. "I got you," He picked me up still squatting down, and he grunted as he stood up.


"I know, it was scary but you are safe now," Corbyn rocked me in his arms.

"Are you okay?" Daniel asked as he put his hand on my back.

"No, I lost both my hearing and I could see shit,"

"I am sorry buddy, you are okay now."

"It was scary,"

"I know it was, you are safe now,"

"Stay with me," I looked up at Corbyn, he knew how to handle my attacks the best.

"You can stay in here, and cuddle with me."

"No, sleeping will be done here. I am way too scared,"

"You're room then," Corbyn signed.

"What do you do to help yourself through an attack?" Daniel asked out of nowhere.

"I usually just wait it out, I curl into a ball because I feel safe like that and rock myself until I fall asleep or I calm down."

"So just like you did tonight?"

"Mhm, exactly,"

"So if that happens again what do we do? Do you want us to let you do it like we did tonight?"

"Yes, whatever you do when I am that bad, don't touch me. Let me do it when it is that bad."

"Okay, but when you can see us we can touch you,"

"Yes, if I ball up and start to rock just leave me,"

"Okay, thank you,"

"If you touch me you will make it way worse."

"We won't," Daniel said as he kissed my forehead. "I love you,"

"Love you too," Corbyn carried me into my room and I wrote by books until morning.

"What are you writing?"

"A new book, no idea the title, but a book,"

"What is it going to be about?"

"So, it will be about a superhero named Karl and a villain named Sapnap. All I got,"

"I will leave you to it," I began to write this book, and we ate breakfast. I brought my computer downstairs writing well I ate my waffles. I wrote all day, trying to get over a hump. Writer's block, fuck. I quickly pulled out my phone and called Camila but she didn't answer so I texted her. I am almost done with my books, it is time for me to write a short book as intermission and I have nothing.

"You good?"

"No, this book is shit, I have a writer's block. I am almost done with my two books and I need a short one done before then because I do an intermission with a short one. Well, I get the next two done."

"Let me read," Corbyn read my book, his face staying in a neutral position. "It is okay, how long do you want it?"

"10 chapters, it is shit."

"Can I help?"


"Scrap the whole superhero shit or put it to the side and do something else. I would write about ten chapters let me think," He thought for a minute. "Got it, I would have a normal book with no powers or anything because that is way too much to do in ten chapters. I would write about a girl falling in love with Dream that YouTube guy you like."

"Brillant, that's smart I am also branching out into the straight fans. Thank you, Dad, if I need more help I will call you," With that, I scraped the superhero one for later and began to write Mine, Dream X reader. I sat at the table and finished all but three of the chapters. I ate dinner and went right back to work, and all night. I finally got up when I finished the book. "Dad, fuck it 3," I called Dad but then looked at my watch and saw that it was 3 in the morning. I went upstairs looking for Dad but he wasn't in his room. I checked mine not there, I went to the living room and he was sleeping on the couch. He must have heard me because he jumped up when he opened his eyes and saw me.


"Yes," I led him into the kitchen.

"I can't wait," He sat in front of my computer and read my book. "Absolutely amazing," he said as he hugged me.

"Bedtime," I yawned, Corbyn picked me up and I instantly fell asleep.

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