Chapter 11

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"Stop, don't touch me," I screamed as Sam tried to touch me and he hit me. "Ow," I cried shooting up in bed, Dad shot up with me.

"Shh, I am right here," Dad cooed as he rubbed my back. "You are safe,"

"He wouldn't stop,"

"I know baby, you are safe. I won't let anyone hurt you," Dad whispered sweet nothings to me until I calmed down.

"When is Jo going home?"

"Today, why?"

"I don't want him to go, I will miss him,"

"He will be back every weekend, he misses you too," Dad laid us down and rubbed my hair until I fell back asleep.

"Jacky," Jo cooed bouncing me on his hip.


"I have to go home,"

"No," I groaned as I opened my eyes, I was in my room. Jo was holding me, Dad's next to him.

"I love you, Jacky,"

"Luv you too," I mumbled as I was laid down on my bed. I groaned as they left. I got up not wanting Jo to leave, I went and got in the backseat of his car as he was saying goodbye to Dad. I lay on the floor so he couldn't see me, and closed my eyes, I fell asleep.

I woke up to Jo's door closing, I sat up and saw we were at a gas station. I got up and climbed up front and Jo's phone began to ring. He opened the door and answered it.

"Did you find him?" Jo looked up at me. "Fuck, he is in my car," Jo shut his door and got his gas and got back into the car. The phone connecting to the car.

J: I can't believe I didn't see him.

D: Where was he?

JA: I was in the back on the floor.

D: Jack Robert, you are dead. When I get to Jo's your ass is red, got it?"

JA: I am sorry

D: Jack we called the police, this isn't something you can play around with.

I put my head down and started to scratch at my wrists, I needed to feel something. Jo grabbed my hand and held it. "Stop," I yelled at Jo pulling my hand away.

"Don't scratch yourself,"

"Leave me alone," I mumbled scared that they were going to hurt me. Jo pulled into the garage and parked, I got out of the car and ran inside. I went into the bathroom and locked the door, I grabbed Jo's razor and cut myself once. "No," I cried as the door was unlocked and Jo walked in. "I didn't mean it,"

"Mean what?" I showed him the cut I had done. "I will see you when you get here, he hurt himself," Jo said as he pulled the phone away from his ear and set it on the counter.

"I couldn't stop it," I cried as Jo hugged me.

"You are okay, that is why we are stopping it. It is an addiction and not a good one," Jo cooed as he picked me up and Daddy walked into the bathroom.

"I am sorry," I said as more tears rolled down my cheeks and I reached for Daddy.

"Shh, you are okay," Daddy took me from Jo and Jo bandaged my wrist as Daddy rocked me. Daddy sat me on the counter and tapped my chin and I looked at him. "I am not going to hurt you ever, I love you a lot but the next time you do this you have to go to a special hospital."

"Please, don't,"

"Jack, I love you a lot but it might have to happen. You are keeping all this bottled up and it is making this worse. What caused it?"

"You said I was dead,"

"I am sorry baby, I didn't know that triggered you. I won't say it again, I promise," I laid my head on Daddy's chest and he rubbed my hair. "I love you,"

"Love you too,"

"I am so sorry, are you hungry? It's almost dinner,"

"Dinner, already," I said as I looked at Daddy.

"What do you want for dinner?" Daddy said as he picked me up and carried me into the kitchen.

"Hey, Jo," Abby said as she came in carrying Karliegh, Jo went over and helped her bring her into her room.

"He has goldfish," Daddy chuckled as he opened all the cabinets and just saw the box on top of the fridge.

"He said they don't cook, they just order in,"

"Jo, are you kidding me?" Dani said as Jo came back in.


"I thought I raised you better than this, just goldfish,"

"It was my week to shop, we usually just buy something from somewhere, we have a Taco Bell and pizza place,"

"Nope, Jack and I are going to the store and are going to make dinner,"

"Dad," Jo just called Dani dad. "We will be fine, we eat it every day here,"

"Nope, I will make dinner, where is the closest store?"

"I will come with you," We all went to the store and got food, and we went home. Dad made the food and we ate dinner, I got changed into Jo's hoodie and went to bed.

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