Chapter 6

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I woke up in my dad's bed alone. I got up and went downstairs, Izzy was sitting on the counter on her iPad as Daddy made breakfast. "Morning," I grumbled as I sat next to Izzy.

"Did you see Harry's new post?"

"No, let me see," I took her iPad and saw Harry in dangerously tight skinny jeans. "Holy fuck, his bulge." Daddy looked at me with a mad look on his face. "It is huge, at least 10 inches," I said now teasing Daddy. "He's got to be a great fuck, but not as good as Shawn."

"I know and it is so prominent in these jeans," I pulled out my phone and pulled up Shawn's account ready to battle with Izzy.

"Shawn is way bigger though," I said pulling up Shawn's recent and zooming into his dick.

"Not even a chance, Harry is bigger,"


"Yes, he is,"

"Breakfast you two, go eat," Daddy said looking mad.

"I think you made him jealous," Izzy said as we sat down at the table and Daddy looked at her appalled. "What? I know," Daddy rolled his eyes but didn't say anything."You are doomed,"

"That was the plan," I whispered so only Izzy could hear me.

"I heard that," Daddy said, still next to the table and putting plates in front of the two of us. "Boys, breakfast," He yelled and I could hear them scream and run into the dining room. We all ate and Dad and the kids left, it was just Daddy and Jo.

"Where is Jo?" I asked, realizing I didn't see him at all this morning.

"At the store, in my room, now," I got up and ran upstairs. "Naked," He yelled as he came in behind me. I got undressed and sat on the bed. He sat next to me and pulled me over his lap. "For provoking me on purpose you will get 25, count and thank me, no cumming,"


"You heard me,"

"I can't- one, thank you," I was interrupted by being spanked. He landed 24 more, I was begging to cum the whole time. "Please," I begged as he landed the last one "25, thank you,"

"One more and you can cum,"

"Master," I screamed as he spanked me one last time and I shot my load all over his jeans.

"Jesus, what did he do already?" Jo's voice said.

"He was talking about Shawn and Harry's dick with Izzy on purpose to make me mad," I pulled up and saw Jo sitting next to Daddy. "Go get ready, you have therapy," I got ready for therapy and we went to therapy. When we got there we went in and I sat on Daddy's lap waiting for my therapist. 

"Jack," A lady said as she walked into the waiting room.

"Come with," I asked Daddy and he stood up and carried me. He followed the lady downstairs and into an office. He sat on the couch with me on his lap.

"I am Amber, how old are you?"


"Is this dad?"

"One of the yes, I am Daniel. We talked on the phone,"

"Yes, I remember. How are you, Jack?"

"Good, I haven't cut myself in 4 days,"

"Wow, that's great,"


"Can I draw on you?"


"Who are your two favorite people?"

"Jo and Daddy,"

"Wrists," I gave her my wrists and she drew monkeys on each and Jo on one and Daddy on the other. "From now on when you go to cut you have to kill Jo and Daddy,"

"I don't want to hurt them,"

"Then don't cut," We talked until we had to leave and then we went to go see Dad for lunch.

"Dad," I yelled as I ran into his room.

"Jack Robert," Daddy scolded me as he came in behind me, he was slammed against the door by Dad. Who said something to him and pulled away.

"I got monkeys," I said as Dad sat in his chair and I sat on his desk. I showed Dad my monkeys.

"Wow, those are awesome," He said as Daddy grabbed our lunch out of the mini fridge and pulled up a chair. We ate lunch then Daddy and I went home. My phone began to ring as we walked in the door, I looked at it and it was Izzy. I went up to my room as I answered it.

J: What?

I: She called me a slut again.
Izzy was in the bathroom on the floor crying.

J: You aren't a slut Izzy. You are beautiful, she is just jealous.

I: I am gross.

J: No you aren't, I have some leftover chocolate. How about when you get home we have some candy and a movie?

I: Oh, ghostbuster

J: We can watch Ghostbusters.

I: I have to go, lunch is almost over. Thank you.
Izzy hung up and I went over to my beanbag and unzipped the bag and grabbed a diet pill and took it.

"Jack give it," Daddy scolded as he took the pill from me.

"No, it's mine," I said trying to take the packet from the bean bag before he could but he beat me. "Daddy, please, I need it,"

"Why? What is it?"

"A diet pill, I am too fat,"

"Jack, you are bone, literally."

"I am fat and gross," I cried as I reached for the pills but he put them in his pocket.

"You are perfect, you don't need these, at all," I sat on my bed and cried.

"No," I yelled when Daddy sat next to me scared he was going to hurt me. "Don't hurt me, I am sorry,"

"I am not going to hurt you, baby," He cooed as he pulled me onto his lap. He rubbed my back until I stopped crying. "Why don't you go shower?"

"No," I said as I clung to him not wanting to leave him.

"I will go with you,"

"Can we bathe?"

"Sure thing," We went into my bathroom and I was about to get into the tub when I remembered my bath bomb. I went to the cabinet and grabbed one and put it in

"Bath bomb, it makes your skin soft," I said when Daddy looked at me weirdly. We bathed and I shaved, and then we got out. Daddy dried us and dressed both of us. He made dinner and when everyone got home we ate. 

"We will be seeing your mom on Monday," Daddy said as we all cleaned up dinner. Once dinner was cleaned we all went to bed.

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