Chapter 15

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Jack's POV

I woke up to another attack, I sat up and grabbed my throat. I gasped out for air, I curled into a ball. "I got you," Corbyn's voice said as I jumped onto his lap. He got up and grabbed my medicine from Daniel's nightstand. He walked over to the light and turned it on, he gave me my medicine. "Shh, you are okay," he cooed as he rocked me. "You are safe I am here, he can't hurt you."

"You are okay," I heard a voice say to me, but couldn't recognise it. My hearing slowly began to fade. I knew at this point I was done and had to wait the attack out. I grabbed my ears and pulled at them, I saw everyone saying stuff but I couldn't hear. My breathing, I couldn't breathe. I straightened my legs wanting to be put down but wasn't. I wiggled around until I was sat on the bed. I grabbed the closest hand and put it on my chest. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths. I eventually got my hearing back and I could hear my dad's voices and Jo's. Jo sat next to me and they all took deep breaths with me until I got my breathing under control again.

"Good boy," Corbyn cooed from his knees in front of me. His hand is still on my chest. "Are you okay?" He asked as he wiped my tears.

"I couldn't hear you guys," I said my voice shaky.

"Has that happened before?"

"Not in months, not since before I tried to kill myself."

"Did it happen a lot?" Daniel asked as he sat next to me on the side Jo wasn't on.

"Yes, but it ended fast, this one went on for forever. There is no way I am going to be able to go back to bed,"

"Let's go in your room," Daniel said.

"Nope, Dad,"

"Are you mad at me?"

"Yep," I got up and left not saying anything to Daniel. I went into my room and laid on my bed, my books. I have posted in forever. I pulled out my computer and began to write my books.

"Why are you mad at Dad?"

"He made me leave, sent me into a depression episode. I hate being alone, I get upset and hurt myself."

"Well, he is a dick then,"

"Don't call names," I scolded him as he picked me up and sat down on my bed. Me on his lap on my computer. "I am writing my next chapter,"

"Can I read your books?"

"Uhh, sure, I guess."

"If you don't want me to you don't have to,"

"Just heads up a lot of smut,"

"What is smut?"

"You will find out, phone," He grabbed his phone and I downloaded Wattpad and had him read My Teacher's first not wanting him to read anything crazy yet. He read well I wrote until it was 630.

"These are all very good,"

"You read them all,"

"I am an English teacher,(I think he is an English teacher if not fuck it) I can read fast."

"I didn't think about that,"

"I read My Teachers and He's ours,"

"Fuck that one is so cringy,"

"I know, I have to go wake up the kids," He said as he got up with me, and sat me down on the bed. I got up not wanting to be alone, and went into Dad's room hoping Jo was in there. I walked in and I heard moaning coming from the bathroom and I left. I went downstairs and Corbyn was there making breakfast on his phone.

"Still reading?"

"Sure am,"

"Are they grammatically correct?"

"Not even close, you spelled And wrong like 50 times,"

"I am dyslexic, I can't help it,"

"I know, you try,"

"Back then I just used whatever the Google Docs had to correct the words now I use Grammarly. My newer books are much better."

"I will have to read those too,"

"Read the old ones first, I am awful at updating but they are also super smutty,"

"I know what that is now,"

"I know, it is in almost every chapter in my new books but I always edit it out because it is so bad. I wasn't ashamed to post it when I was shit at writing, now I am decent and don't post it,"

"Good morning," Jo said as he came downstairs putting his shirt on.

"I always try to write it but then it turns out short and bad so I just don't."

"What books are you writing now?"

"The ones that don't have a blue completed bar next to it, my dad's 2 and secret sister. I just finished my baby, I try to post two books at once. All of the books I post are done, I have a shit ton that aren't done."

"Can I read those ones too?"

"Once I post them, yes. Some are nowhere close to being done or they don't make the cut, I have some that I will never post. They are either shit or too yeah."

"Yeah, what?"

"They just don't follow what I write about or the fandom. I am trying to also post about the dream SMP but again it is hard to change courses and get my fans to read books that aren't fandom-related or are a different one."

"So you do us?"

"Yes, I have one Dreamnotfound book, but yes. That one got shitty reads it is kinda sad. I think it only has to be one vote per chapter. I really liked that one too."

"That sucks I am sorry,"

"All good," 

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