Chapter 4

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I woke up alone in bed, I got up and went into the living room where Jo was talking to his baseball buddies. "Jack, the best of the Seavey-Bessons," One of his buddies said making everyone look at me.


"I have practice, you are coming with me, so go get dressed," I went and got dressed and we went to the batting cages. I called Daddy bored out of my mind.

D: Jack, how are you?

J: Bored

D: Would you like a computer to type up your books?

J: Yes, can I get a Macbook?

D: Sure thing.

Jo came over to me and waved to Daddy. "I have to pee,"

J: I will call you later, bye. Love you.

I hung up on Daddy and followed Jo to the bathroom, he went into a stall and I followed him. "Jack," Jo scolded as I grabbed him through his baseball pants. "Fuck, not here," I didn't listen and got down on my knees and palmed him until he had a semi. "Jack, no," he scolded as I pulled his pants and underwear down a bit so I could get to his dick. I grasped it and began to stroke it. "Fuck," he groaned his knees buckling. He took out his phone and began to record me, I ran my thumb over his tip.

"Jack," He moaned as I looked him in the eyes and kissed his tip. "Stop teasing," I took his whole cock in my mouth.

"MM," I moaned around him making him moan. I pulled off and licked all the way from his tip to his shaft.

"Fuck, Jack," Jonah moaned as I licked his balls and sucked them. "Please," He begged making me smile knowing I had him falling apart. I put his cock back in my mouth sucking on just the tip and I twirled my tongue around his tip and he exploded in my mouth. "Jack," He groaned as he came in my mouth. I worked him through his orgasm and swallowed his cum. I smiled at him still on the floor, he turned off his phone and put it back in his pocket. He pulled his boxers and pants back up. "Why?"

Jonah's POV

Jack was sitting on the floor of the bathroom still, his eyes glazed over. "Jack," He didn't answer me, I think he fell into subspace this has happened to me once. I picked him up and carried him home, I laid him on my bed. I got him some water and put it on my nightstand.

"No," Jack yelled when I tried to take off his pants.

"I am going to change you and let you sleep,"

"Sleep," He said as I tried to pull off his pants again and he reached down and held them up. I swatted his hand away and pulled off his pants and saw what he was trying to hide, his boxers were sticky and white. He had came well giving me a blow job.

"Oh, you should have told me, I would have cleaned you up," I took off his boxers and put him in another pair. "I have to call dads, are you okay?"

"Hold me," I laid next to Jack and held him until he fell asleep once he fell asleep I got up and went into the kitchen and called dads. Zach answered in their room on our bed. 

J: I have to tell you something

Z: What's up?

J: Do you remember Mom?

Z: Not really, why?

J: She is alive, Jack and I saw her yesterday.

Z: Okay

Zach said as he dropped his head.

J: How are you feeling about this?

Z: I don't know, why didn't she try to contact us?

J: I don't know, I have her number and was thinking about talking to Dads about getting a visit with her.

Z: Please, I want to meet her.

J: Okay, pass me to Corbyn.

"Jo," Jack's voice yelled as he came out of my room and sat on the counter. "Can I have mom's number?"

"Yes, give me a sec," I swiped up on my phone and put Corbyn on pause and I sent Jack mom's number. "There,"

"Can I call her?"

"I don't care,"

Jack's POV

I called my mom and she answered after a couple of rings.

M: Jack, hey

J: Hi mom

M: How are you, buddy?

J: Good how are you?

M: I am great! What are you up to?

J: Nothing, I am at Jo's. I just woke up from a nap and wanted to talk to you.

M: That's sweet.

"Dad wants to talk to you," Jo said as he handed me his phone. "I will talk to Mom, go talk to him in my room," I gave Jo my phone and slid off of the counter, and went into Jo's room.

J: Dad, what do you need?

D: I want you to go into Jo's top dresser drawer. There is an egg in there grab it.
I got up and opened the drawer, it was filled with sex toys, I grabbed the egg and sat on Jo's bed.

D: Does he have lube?

J: I didn't see any

D: Use his lotion
I grabbed the lotion next to the bed and lubed up the egg with lotion.

D: Put it in, on your prostate.
I stuck the egg in my ass and put it on my prostate, Dad gave me a weird look but I ignored him.

D: You are stretched?

J: No shit

D: Jack, don't swear. Why are you stretched?

J: None of your business

D: Jack Robert, enough with the back talk. I have an app on my phone that lets me control the egg. Have fun. Love you.
The egg started to vibrate and he hung up.  "Ass," I left Jo's room and went back into the kitchen.

"Did you do it?"


"Just a few words of wisdom don't take it out, he won't let you cum for days," Jo said as I sat on the counter. "What do you want for dinner?" Jo and I gave each other our phones back.

"Mac and cheese,"

"We don't do cooking, so we order out,"

"So no, Dad's famous mac and cheese,"

"Nope, but we can go to a restaurant and get it,"

"Okay, what places close by have mac and cheese?"


"Let's go before I get hangry," We put on our shoes and coats and walked to Applebees. "Why is it so far?"

"It is only a mile,"

"That's far,"

"Not really," Jo said as the egg in my ass started to vibrate slowly.

"Of course,"


"He turned it on as we are about to go in,"

"That's Corbyn. He is going to call you tonight and keep you on edge for hours, but when you cum it will be the best."

"That sounds like hell,"

"I like it and you will to trust me," Jo said as we went into Applebees.



"Follow me," We were sat at our table and we ate our dinner. We walked home and went to bed.

A/N Just finished my baby, posting The Secret Sister. Go read it, it is Daniel X Riley. One of my best books.

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