II- out of the woods

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"I knew this would happen at some point." Amelia sniffled, her head buried in her hands as she sat at the kitchen table. (Y/n) stared at her mother, wiping at the silent tears rolling down her cheeks. She wished she could comfort Amelia, but the words wouldn't come.

How could they when (Y/n) was beside herself with worry?

They had waited the whole day for Grey to come back, but she never did. Grey had sometimes come back later than expected from her night outings, but she had never been away for that long. Even less so when she had promised (Y/n) she'd be back in the morning to go berry picking with them. The fact Grey hadn't shown up then had already been worrying enough.

(Y/n)'s stomach twisted in tight knots as she thought about her sister, how fierce and strong she had looked the night prior, her hazel eyes twinkling with a thirst for adventure and the shadow of a secret only Grey herself was privy to.

Grey had always been secretive. But not so much as to vanish. Or so (Y/n) thought.

"What do we do? We can't just wait for her to come back, right?" (Y/n) sniffled, crossing her arms over her chest and staring at her mother.

(Y/n) shivered at the idea of venturing outside of the community, thoughts of all the twisted Infected tales she'd heard racing through her head. These were the reasons why she hadn't ever dared step out there alone. But for Grey? (Y/n) didn't know what she'd do without her sister, and if (Y/n) had to brave her wildest fears to find her sister and make sure Grey was alright, she'd do it.

She didn't know how, but she would.

"We stay here." Amelia straightened up, her eyes strong with authority as she stared at her youngest daughter. "We will do no such thing as looking for her or saving her. Grey wanted this. I'm not jeopardizing our safety."


"We're not searching for her. It's too dangerous and she knew what she was doing. Trust me, she'll be fine. She doesn't need us to look after her. If anything, it's probably better for her to have left."

(Y/n) couldn't believe what she was hearing. She knew Amelia and Grey had never been very close, but Grey was still her daughter for god's sake! What had Grey done that could be so terrible for their mother to treat her so indifferently? To treat her like she was some sort of monster. Even when it came to Grey's late night escapades, Amelia never seemed to get all that angry, whereas she'd practically shackle (Y/n) to her bed if she ever attempted such a thing.

"What do you mean 'she wanted this'? She didn't mean for this to happen! Grey just wanted to see the world, that's all!" (Y/n) argued, hot anger brewing in the pit of her stomach. Tears pricked at her eyes to blur her vision as she stared at her mother. "Why is it you never seem to care about her? Isn't she your daughter?! What if something happened to her! You always warned me about the risks of leaving the community but when it's Grey you're suddenly indifferent?!"

Amelia looked like she wanted to say something, but decided against it, her lower lip trembling as she averted her gaze to her hands on the kitchen table.

"It's different, (Y/n)." She said, like (Y/n) was nothing but an ignorant child. Like she knew more about Grey than (Y/n) did. "I know you love your sister. But trust me, she doesn't need your help. She doesn't need us to save her and you need to stop idolizing her."

(Y/n) flinched at her mother's words. Of course Grey wasn't perfect, (Y/n) knew this. Grey was too stubborn for her own good, always willing to get into fights to defend her sister or make daring guys back off. She was everywhere all at once, and was unable to listen to anything their mother said.

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