III- asshole

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"Where are we going?" (Y/n) tried to ask but the man wouldn't answer, simply mumbling something under his breath about her being careless.

They passed through various streets, gathering the unbothered looks of some people here and there. Though, (Y/n) couldn't imagine the sight of being forcefully dragged somewhere as a peculiarity in an Infected city. She doubted there was much that could shock people around here considering that even murder had a pass when it was in the name of love.

Soon, (Y/n) found herself alone in a dark abandoned alleyway with her mysterious saviour though. She choked back a yelp as the boy pushed her up against the wall and leaned over her, caging her between his arms. She held her breath, waiting for him to speak.

Clearly, he hadn't dragged her all the way here for nothing.

(Y/n) didn't even know why she had followed him in the first place, for all she knew he could very well be a psycho. And in an infected city, that wouldn't be surprising. Then again, considering the enhanced strength he possessed, (Y/n) didn't have much of a choice in following him anyways. Infected people always had the physical advantage.

So (Y/n) simply stared up at him as the boy scanned their surroundings with a frown. Was he checking to make sure no one was around? It looked like it, for the moment he saw no one was there, he started speaking, his eyes burning holes in her mind.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He said in a low voice, glaring down at her.

(Y/n) knew she should have been scared. Hell, an angry Infected was currently towering over her and caging her between his arms. But for some reason, she wasn't.

Not of him at least.

Because for an Infected, he seemed awfully worried about her being found out and sent to the Uninfected camp. Which was weird, considering that Infected people were supposed to see Uninfected as helpless beings in need of their protection. That's why they had created the Uninfected Camp in the first place, to watch over Uninfected and let an Infected lover come fetch them.

But for some reason, not only had this boy saved her ass from being dragged to the Uninfected camp, but he was also going out of his way to scrutinize their surroundings for any sign of another soul.

If she didn't know any better (Y/n) would be tempted to think that he was... Self aware. Or as self aware as an Infected could get.

One thing was for sure though, he seemed intent on protecting and hiding her from the other Infected, for whatever reason. A behaviour that strongly clashed with what (Y/n) had been taught about Infected.

Still, (Y/n) knew better than to lower her guard around someone who had the potential of a psycho. Literally.

"Are you fucking clueless? Don't you know what they do to people like you around here?" His green eyes darkened, and (Y/n) didn't need to ask what he meant by 'people like you' for her to know that he meant Uninfected people. "The moment they find out that you're not one of us they will throw you in the US. Do you have no sense of self preservation whatsoever?"

(Y/n) didn't really know how to answer this. First because it wasn't any of his business and honestly she had no interest in interacting with him more than necessary. Second, because she didn't need him to remind her of how dangerous the city was for her, she wasn't an idiot and she hadn't come here for funsies.

(Y/n) was here to find her sister. And as soon as she found Grey, the both of them would be on their merry way out of here.

"You're not gonna answer, are you?" The man heaved a tired sigh, brushing a hand through his brown locks. "Cat got your tongue?"

DARLING (yandere boys x reader)Where stories live. Discover now