IV- protective

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(Y/n) stood in the middle of the living room, wide eyed as she stared at the old man in front of her. He didn't look threatening, with his pale blue eyes and fine grey hair, with the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes and the smile lines around his lips. His gaze was every bit as surprised as hers and he didn't seem angry with her presence, rather confused. But (Y/n) knew better than to trust his harmless appearance.

Infected people were stronger than her, whether young or old it didn't matter. If this man wanted to hold her back or kill her, he could.

And what's more, the law probably wouldn't even bat an eyelash.

On the other side of the room, Tobias casually leaned back against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed over his chest. Seemingly disinterested in the whole ordeal.

His next words dumped an ice cold bucket of dread over (Y/n)'s head though.

"(Y/n). She's uninfected." Tobias said, and (Y/n)'s blood drained from her face, her heart on the edge of collapsing as silence stretched across the room.

What the hell?

(Y/n) couldn't believe the guts of that guy. Minutes ago he was warning her about the dangers of the Infected city, and now he was throwing her under the bus and revealing her identity to someone that was a total stranger to her. Had she irritated him by talking back and not listening to him? Gosh was he going to just let her be taken to the Uninfected camps?

"Just like you." Tobias added, and all the air came flooding back into (Y/n)'s lungs.

The old man chuckled at her apparent relief, his lips crinkling up in a grin as he looked at her with eyes filled with mirth. He took a step forward and (Y/n) noticed the cane on his left side. He gestured for her to sit back down at the kitchen table.

(Y/n) silently complied and he followed suit, sitting beside her.

(Y/n) fiddled nervously under the stare of the old man, unable to wrap her head around what an Uninfected old man had to do with an Infected young asshole such as Tobias. From the looks of it, Tobias and him seemed quite close though. Maybe Tobias was his grandson. It wasn't rare for Infected and Uninfected couples to have an Infected child.

Thankfully though, (Y/n) didn't have to bathe in uncomfortable silence for much longer.

"My, my... What are you doing here?" The old man said, still smiling at her with gentle eyes. "I'm Marcus, it's very nice to meet you, young lady."

Tobias heaved a sigh and set a plate of food down in front of his grandfather, throwing (Y/n) a disapproving glance.

"She was leaving, grandpa. We should let her-"

"Tobias, don't be ridiculous!" Marcus chuckled and dismissed his grandson with a wave of his hand, "The girl's obviously lost! Where would you want her to go? Now," Marcus turned back towards (Y/n) with a kind smile. "Who are you and what are you doing here? Don't pay attention to Tobias over here, he's cranky in the morning but I swear he's a good fella."

Tobias didn't bother arguing against his grandfather, instead he grumbled something under his breath with a pout and went back to wiping the dishes dry. (Y/n) would have thought him cute if it wasn't for how much of an asshole he had been towards her just minutes ago.

Part of (Y/n) knew Tobias hadn't been all wrong in what he had said, though. Which only made him all the more annoying in her eyes.

"See?" Marcus said, "He's just grumpy."

(Y/n) let out a hesitant chuckle, the tension slowly ebbing away from her shoulders. Surely if Marcus, an Uninfected, trusted Tobias, there wasn't anything for her to be afraid of, right? If anything, the idea of not being the only Uninfected around was reassuring, even more so considering that Marcus had yet to end up in the camps in spite of his old age.

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